Baptist is Zen cloned
His ult is orb of discord but overpowered
His ability that gives invulnerability is transcendense on a lower scale
The group regen is orb of Harmony but with a twist
(Grouped. Not infinite like OOH where if you keep them in your eyesight it doesn’t disappear. I think its faster.)
His primary is zen’s secondary.
I’m a Zen main, and this is a little disappointing. I’m personally a fan of new characters, but this is just wrong. I mean seriously a character that is Zen just switched around.
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They are both Mercy clones.
Their damage boost ripped off of her staff.
They both heal (guess who they took THAT from )
They are all in the support category…
Come ON Blizzard, make something ORIGINAL
Transcendence doesn’t do a thing against burst damage.
Orb of discord lowers the victim’s damage, not just increase the damage they take.
Orb of harmony is one target at a time.
Paris is Hanamura cloned
Hanamura has a point A (really easy to cap)
Hanamura has a choke point
Hanamura has point B (really hard to cap)
Hanamura is 2cp
Immortality field was a concept suggested by playerbase to replace the res and make it a SINGLE TARGET ABILITY.
I just hope this stronger than trans on cooldown isn’t as bad as i think it is.
I thought it was a remple of anubis clone.
The high edge chokepoint. The walk around to sneak past.
The bull that is a second point.
Well, that’s what I was told, at least. I just don’t see the similarities between these two characters.
Damnit Reinhardt!
Orb makes a target take additional damage- does nothing to their own damage (unless you count “they do less damage because they die faster”).
That said, I don’t see the similarities either/ anymore than I see the similarities between soldier and widow. They both shoot bullets
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Very very incorrect. You can two shot any dps that has a OOD. OOD increases damage taken, not reduces damage someone does.
Moira cloned zen! She use purple to dmg and yellow to heal!
Being more serious, you should expect heroes to start geting similiar, so they will replace each other in games.
Heh fair enough I guess. It just is so stupid that they are so similar.
You might want to fact check that
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Point already iterated and reiterated. Thanks, though.