Baptiste - Developer Q&A

Did you specifically design Baptiste’s kit to synergize particularly well with any heroes? Or did any synergies that exist now just kind of fall into place?

Will Baptiste get an Archives skin?

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There is a Kraken on his Spec Ops skin, the one with the Caribbean Coalition logo on it. One of the three player icons for Baptiste on PTR is that same Kraken.
What is the Kraken about? Is it his codename within the Caribbean Coalition?
Also, what is up with S.Corp PMC on the right shoulder of his Desert Ops skin and the scorpion symbols? Scorpion Corp. Private Military Contractor/Company? A new paramilitary faction?


Just an opinion. Since Baptiste has an ability that saves his whole team from dieing, shouldn’t Mercy’s 5 man rez be reintroduced?

Thanks for answering community questions! You guys responded to a post I made in the thread like this you made for Brig. It means a lot to see you guys engaging with us like this.

Anyway, last time I asked about concern areas you had for Brig. Things you suspected might be potential problems with her coming up. You mentioned being concerned about maximum health potential, when stacked with symm and torb at the time. How about for Baptiste? What sort of specific problems do you suspect may arise over time as he enters the game?

I have a simple question regarding Baptiste’s passive Exo Boots. Unlike every other passive mobility in the game (i.e. Pharah’s hover, Mercy’s Angelic Descent, or Lucio’s Wall Ride) Baptiste maintains full use of his passive mobility while Hacked by Sombra. Was there a special reason for this kind of inconsistency or was it an oversight through the last few PTR updates?

It would be really nice to have a reason given directly by the Devs and not just Redditors coming up with theories.

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What was Baptiste’s role/rank in Talon? Was he just a trooper like the ones in Retribution, or did he end up climbing the command structure? Did he desert as a well known agent, or lowly goon?


Why did you guys change Baptiste’s ultimate line to the friendly? I really enjoyed his Haitian line.

What inspired you guys to give Baptiste immortality field, its a very interesting ability and I’d love to know where the idea for using it came from

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What’s the meaning behind his tattoo?

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Will Talon send any of their more skill full members to kill Baptiste now that he has ‘left’ Talon?


I don’t think it’s broken but honestly it won’t be fun either I’m on Baptiste or the enemy side.

  • As Baptiste, sure, it is a panic button but every time it was deployed, there are anxieties like, how long will it get destroyed, will I be able to heal the team after it ended. In a chaos match it raises worries than actually create a truly safe solution for the team.
  • As the opposing team, Immortality is annoying as hell, for one, he can counter basically any aggressive ult with a cool down. Ana can do it with Zen’s ult but that’s only one ult, and it won’t affect Zen himself. Also, trying to do damage and seeing enemy HP stays the same is not fun at all. Especially the drone was put behind a wall or in a lag spot.
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Where did Baptiste get this high tech gear?

Does Baptiste know about OW, or has intentions of joining

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Did Baptiste fight any one else than Talon?

Why did he wear Health packs in the concept art?


It is stated that he ‘drifted from place to place, aiding in humanitarian efforts around the globe’ , where did he go and what ‘friends’ did he make

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What do you think about giving immortality field the ability to be knocked back or hooked?

Seeing as it’s an ability that is supposed to be easily countered if you attack it, I feel having roadhogs hook gives him additional utility when countering it, as well as say ashes coach gun etc

Would make for a really fun mechanic in my opinion and greatly supports teamwork (e.g. Dva bomb - countered by immortality field, but hog hooks it away so only half the team are safe)

It means that sombra isn’t the only one who can save the team either from those bastion immortality combos


We have a field that prevents dyibg, that adds strategy to the game

What about some abilities that prevebts crowd control in the future?that could add more levels too

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How do you pronounce his name?? Jeff says it once way but the character himself says it another?