Baptiste Cute Spray, Window Of Opportunity Bugged?

So I played a few games of competitive open queue with some friends to try and get the Bap cute spray and in a game of King’s Row I finally did a little over two thousand damage amplified without dying the whole game. However, I got no achievement notification and after the match ended I went into the achievements tab and it was still locked. Is anyone else experiencing this?


Same thing happened to me, I got 2032 amplified without dying and didn’t get it.

Same for me, just did 2241 total (1356 amplified damage, 885 amplified healing) with 0 deaths in a single game on Numbani in attack, the achievement did not unlock, even though it says that we only need 2000.

this happened to me too today :[ i have picture proof just in case but it really sucks how long i spent trying to get it only for it to not pop

Maybe we need to die once in the game so that it can “start” counting ? just a guess though, still probably bugged or random in some way.

Because just now a miracle game happened and I managed to get it on hollywood defense, though this time, I died after my first ult (lost about 400 amplified healing), then 3 ults later, got the achievement with a total of 2607 (1356dmg+1251heal). That’s why I’m suggesting that dying at the start or after using the ult once may be the trick (at least that’s one possibility).

If thats the case then I’m glad its at least possible to get right now, was about to just not play bap anymore lol

would like to say i also didnt get it but ill try the dying once strat.

same here yesterday :frowning:
about 2040 dmg (can’t remember how much heal, if there was any :slight_smile: )

didn’t work for me, I died before my first ult and after my 4th (2040 dmg) - didn’t get it :frowning:

Hope fixing this is on their radar. I think the Junkerqueen pixel achievement is still bugged where u have to start as a different character and die once before getting it.