Baptiste Changes Ideas

So, I’ve been playing more and more Baptiste in coordinated, pre-made teams. (For the sake of getting the best experience and most knowledge out of playing the hero.)

I have a list of small buffs and maybe a small nerf to help Baptiste feel better. Obviously, these are all my opinion and don’t mean anything without developer approval.

Passive: Exo Boots

•Players now have more air control after jumping with Exo Boots

Most of the time, it feels like the player has to be almost right up against the high ground in order to reach it. This change is to allow Baptiste to be a bit further back in order to reach the high ground while also making the jump feel better for the player.

Biotic Launcher (Secondary Fire)

•Ammo increased from 10 -> 12

•Fire Rate increased from 1 shot per 0.8 seconds to 1 shot per 0.6 seconds OR Area of Effect increased from 3 meters to 5 meters

These changes are to give Baptiste the Ana treatment, but smaller since his heals are AoE. The ammo increase is to give Baptiste a bit more healing before having to reload, but only gets a fire rate increase or radius increase. Not both.

Immortality Field

•Health reduced from 250 HP to 200 HP

•Radius increased from 6 meters to 8 meters

The bigger radius is to make it easier for Baptiste and his team to stay inside the Immortality Field, but the health is reduced since it is now easier to hide.

Ultimate: Amplification Matrix

•Radius increased from 5 meters wide to 9 meters wide

The small width of Amplification Matrix makes it difficult for the team to get value out of it and feels like only one or two players can use it for its short duration. This change provides more options for the team as a whole while still keeping its low duration to compensate.


Cool, I thought this is an another “nerf Immortality Field , it’s OP” thread.
Those changes seem good

that’s something I really think he needs

Not sure about the health reduction of the field tho. I think that we should wait to see him in comp, since things might be different there and it may get destroyed really fast, because 250 hp isn’t a lot for a stationary target in the air above everyone.


Maybe. I just felt that it needed a health nerf since it would be easier to hide.

I think immortality field needs to be kept at 250 hp because the cooldown is so long. Ever since they reduced the hp of Torbs turret I find the turret gets destroyed within seconds and it put me off playing Torb. The same thing would happen with the field. The DPS would just wipe it out if it had lower health because static targets are so easy to hit.


I think I need more time on Baptiste overall to comment on what sort of state he’s in balance-wise, but I agree with making his ultimate wider, for sure. It’s powerful, but the small size makes it very limited.


Wow, these are actually really good.
Great job, OP.
I clicked on this to be ready to argue but I was pleasantly surprised hehe

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Not to be rude but why do people post ideas and then post “developer comments” as if they are developers when they aren’t?

Sort of to make it look nice and at the same time give some reasoning for the changes.

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Also: Regen burst is now a cylindrical shape that has infinite height (but with the same radius), so you can heal airborne heroes more easily without wasting your time.

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No, this gives him too much maneuverability. It’s supposed to get him to high ground, not as a strafing mechanic.

Imo, his healing is fine.

Eh no,

This is too oppressive with it doing the damage and healing output it does.

Maybe you could explain some of your reasoning instead of just “eh no” and “is fine”.

Not really helpful feedback to someone who clearly spent some time.


I mean the only one with really any meaningful feedback is the Exo Boots section, and to that I have to say:

It’s already a mostly out-of-combat ability. The change will pretty much only make it easier to take the high ground. Using Exo Boots as a strafing mechanic would actually make him easier to hit.

I think the main difference is that Immortality Field is a defensive tool that only requires line of sight with allies to function, while Torbjorn’s turret is an offensive tool that requires line of sight with the opponents. This means that if enemies can be shot BY Torbjorn’s turret, it means they can also shoot it. But Immortality Field can be placed out of view of opponents.


That is why I opted to have its health reduced in exchange for more range. It allows the Immortality Field to protect the team better, but allow more counterplay as it can be more easily hidden as a result.

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I just want a faster rate of fire for his nades but with lower healing per nade.

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These ideas are really good, I can’t think of a reason why they wouldn’t work

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It is an interesting idea although it would restrict it’s use to behind walls. In games where you are winning and might rely on it less, it would become stronger cus the radius is bigger and you’d have time to place it properly. But in games where you’re losing and getting overrun constantly the lack of health becomes an issue. I found with Torb’s turret that it was fine in stronger teams but when my team was weaker and I really needed it, the health reduction meant I couldn’t protect it. The fact I could get another one on a much faster cool down didn’t really help because I needed it to stay up to stop the enemy pushing. There will be instances where having the extra health buys your team a couple more seconds of time against stronger opponents. Against weaker teams I agree it wouldn’t matter and might be a buff.

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I like these changes the most. Not sure if I prefer the rate of fire change or the radius increase.

I think his E is fine though. As for the ultimate, I wish it’d get reworked. I don’t like it at all personally.

I like it. Just needs to be a bit bigger

Thank you!

This move provides so much utility that I cannot believe it isn’t his ult. Immortality Field can negate so many other ults… it’s so strong, and so frustrating because everyone ignores it.

I don’t care what they do with his current ult, but if they made immortality field an ult, it would feel just right.

Can you imagine if orisa could drop her b0ngo every 10-15 seconds? It’d be a nightmare, and that is how immortality field feels.

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