Just recently heard this voice line interaction. Is it new?
Baptiste: Angela, I met someone the other day who I think is just your type. Handsome, kind, several doctorates…
Mercy: [laughs] I’m afraid there’s someone else I have my eye on.
Baptiste: Oh? Anyone I know?
Mercy: Well, with any luck, you’ll find out soon enough.
Is Baptiste referring to himself in the first line? I think they would make a great couple.
Then, theres Mercy’s voice line. I can’t help but think she is referring to the “As You Are” story where Baptiste is talking to Pharah, assuming Mercy knows about that story/interaction between them. So she could be referring to Pharah, which has been hinted several times before in voice line interactions. But who else could it be…
Premise: you shouldn’t take voicelines too seriously in prematch (for example, Reinhardt doesn’t necessarily know Reaper’ true identity in the lore, yet when you kill him he will say “traitor”)
well… I think it’s done on purpose, just to stir up the fandom if it was referring to Genji or Pharah (and therefore feuds over Mercy’s sexual orientation).
I honestly don’t like this kind of ambiguity. ok, it’s an interaction released on Valentine’s Day, but generally the “unconfirmed, but maybe it could be the one you hope ” ship is one of the most subtle forms of hype to attract attention without wanting to displease anyone. I’ve always found it a cowardly narrative move, you have to be convinced of what you’re writing, otherwise you might as well follow fanfiction.
I don’t know if this is the saying in English (I’m Italian) but I like the “clear agreements, long friendship”.
I think he might have been refering to Weaver, because iirc this voice line came during season 4 with his release. And of course this was said right before the first Pride event so people were theorizing that the person to Mercy referred to was Pharah.
But with the last lead writer fired/let go his gross obsessions with Pharmercy is dead so hopefully thats the final nail in the coffin for that ship. Its best not to take a lot of voice lines seriously because some of them would never even be possible if canon, if characters like S76 and Widow actually met each other S76 would 100% try to strangle her.
I don’t think we’ll ever know but with the wedding skin concepts we saw, we DID see Mercy and genji with matching colors. So who knows what’ll come in the future.
If anything, Pharah’s short story implies the opposite, ie. the uncertainty and pain is most likely because her feelings aren’t reciprocated or at the very least she suspects they aren’t.
Considering all the hints Overwatch has provided as a whole, it would be strange if it wasn’t Genji
if you’re asking fr, it’s ambiguous by design to specifically get you asking this very question. it could theoretically be anyone huh?
mefionir states it best here though. it’s typical for writers to keep this sort of thing ambiguous for more attention and theorizing.
my personal guess is she’s referring to pharah. rainbow capitalism is too tempting for companies who can profit from it, and pharah and mercy already have several voicelines that could be interpreted as more flirtatious than genji and mercy do in my opinion (mercy saying “swish, that’s what you say right? swish!” to copy pharah is way more romantic imo than “do your thing, genji!” and she has like 4 other pharah-referencing voice lines)
baptiste himself was probably talking about anyone, since for the sake of my interpretation the identity of bap’s suggested suitor is less important than mercy stating she already has someone she’s looking at
I don’t mean exactly that, this is not a game that has abused this logic as much as other game studios. In this specific case we’re talking about a difference in elements that were there before and those that came after that continue to leave narratives hanging in a deliberate way. It’s all very well to see Genji and Pharah falling for the same person, but this really poor “ship game” in that Mercy interaction was simply avoidable.
honestly I don’t see how excitedly copying someone’s catchphrase is anymore romantic than happily encouraging them, they both mean nothing unless you’re very eager to read into things. Imo, the only actual romantically charged Pharah and Mercy interaction is the flying knight one and Genji and Mercy has had plenty of those kinds in the past.
But indeed, Blizzard definitely held back when it comes to Genji and Mercy voice lines in OW2 and arguably discouraged the ship with their PvE interaction. I do feel like things have changed again after Gavin was laid off though, they recently dropped those matching wedding survey concepts and even more recently they added a group photo to the reworked Numbani, with Genji and Mercy sitting very close, including a displeased Pharah to the side.
well i did say “in my personal opinion”. i don’t think im reading into things, but i am queer and that will affect how i perceive potentially romantic interactions between two characters—-especially when one of them is canonically lgbt and the other is undetermined. not to mention the copying of catch phrases was only one example, there are a few other voicelines mercy has that could definitely be interpreted as lightly romantic in the context of pharah. or it could be interpreted as platonic.
i’m just sharing how i interpreted it.
but yeah, there’s plenty of evidence for gency too and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
The likelihood that Bap has multiple doctorates (or even one) isn’t high. He’s a combat medic with heavy combat training and was a mercenary. He also grew up a poor orphan, so not likely to have done that kind of schooling.
It’s not impossible he has multiple doctorates, just highly improbable, ergo he very likely wasn’t referring to himself. He also probably knows a ton of people due to being in many different organizations in all kinds of different places + being on the run.