Bap, Kiri, Brig needs BIG nerfs for 6v6

oh me too. RQ is essential when you have different hero roles. The core issue in my opinion is that Tanks have DPS level dmg.


no nerfs and the reason they changed the whole game format… maybe… it was jeff’s main or he had a big part in making her. reason for the slow nerfs

here is his speech when brig was released’
(this is how i feel about sombra honestly)

The one from October 13th or 29th?

13th patch. the 29th patch was when everybody went “wtf” and got mad. after 29th was when things went to crap again smh.

The one where Soldier got his spread removed and replaced with recoil?

yeah. iirc, soldier was too strong with the 20dmg even with the spread. when they nerfed him down to 19 and made him more recoil based rather than spread, people loved that change for him. made him more balanced if anything.

It was also the only significant change to the game made on October 13th.

which would mean buffing him.


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People who think that Brig is OP, need to get a reality check. She is quite trash since OW2 released and was only oppressive for a small while in high GM games.

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That’s what I’M SAYING!

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I think H1st0ry is right if we view it objectively and statistically but perception is also a driver on what people think things are and ends up changing.

For any changes, it might depend on the format of 6v6 they’re going for. Keep in mind they said they’re doing a series of tests. I think this would or should include how they adjust hero health pools (would they be the same, would they just remove the 150 HP, would they do individual adjustments, etc.), how some skills will operate (stacking tank ults, amount of healing, etc.), and perhaps how we select heroes. For instance, what if they made it as sub roles like 1 shield tank 1 off tank etc. Or perhaps they could make a variation of open queue with dynamic passives to lessen the effect of 1 role or 2 stacking, etc. At least, they should try new things instead of wasting the opportunity for just a basic revert.

So, I think before we adjust other heroes too much or at all, which will inevitably need to be adjusted anyway, I think the community might need to figure out and lean into a format to settle on. Something most favorable with how we’d like the game to feel and play then work around that. I think that will at least guide us on how we’d like these more ‘controversial’ heroes to operate in the new format and with other heroes.

100% agree. The changes weren’t even necessary for 5v5, just the worst changes and horrible hero design

I mean, that’s true but I like both those things. :joy:

Bap needs immortality reworked.

yea kick the support passive

For kiri her nade should just cleanse no immortality. She cant use it as a burst tool but more as an anti status tool and if health is reverted she can lean more into dps playstyle.

For bap id like immortality field to function differently. Instead of blocking damage it absorbs it. So it takes damage in place of the player standing in it. And the more players standing in it the faster it breaks. This also means that things like hanzo dragon or a nano boost can now pierce it again without remong baps ability to dual. Also his shift needs to be nerfed heavily no more burst healing for starters.

Briggite needs a complete rework. Moving her away from this anti dive denial playstyle and more as a frontline brawl/rush support.

Lifeweaver also needs to be reworked. Specifically life grip and his primary heals. His primary heals need to be a skillshot instead of a auto aim. And lifegrip needs to be completely reworked and replaced with an ability that can enable teammates.

You are right, she has lost her overpowerness And identity.

I’m always asking where to play her. She is to weak to play frontline and health pack dispenser if you play her in the back line.

The change to the hit boxes was a big nerf to her. Now it feels like her shield is even wider than Rein’s.

And what is her thing? All other support heroes have one thing they bring to the team.

Mercy - rez
Zen - damage orb
Kiriko - cleanse
Ana - anti healing
Lucio - speed boost
Baptist - immortality (kinda)
Illiari and Moira doesn’t have any ability per say to help their team besides offencive pressure.

That won’t work because lamp would still exist, bap and brig are what caused double shield.

No, it was short cool down on shields. You could easy rotate shields between Orisa/Sigma/Rein!