Bap, Brig, and Blizzard: "A Tale of Failed Balances"

I’ve never seen the issue with brig, from introduction to now personally. I don’t mind the CC and she felt like a melee zen; poor healing but nice damage provided you could close the gap.

Bap though, is something else. He simply has too much that even outshines launch brig, which makes him an issue. Look at brig and the other supports. You get a mixture of:

  • Damage
  • Heal potency
  • Utility
  • Self-sustain

Zen: Damage, utility
Moira: Heal potency x4 and nothing else
Ana: Potency, utility
Brig: Launch: Damage, utility, sustain; Current: Utility, sustain
Mercy: Utility, sustain
Lucio: Utility, sustain

But then you got bap, who gets damage, potency, self sustain and ludicrous utility

I’m fully under the impression that you don’t actually read any of the parts to responses that don’t fit the narrative for your agenda. Go back any of your prior posts that I’ve debunked and picked apart and you’ll find the response you keep ignoring (that I’m actually a top 500 support player that abuses and has abused the heroes you defend on the daily at a 4500 level LMFAO)

Uh they enable allies by disabling the enemy. LOL? What do you think lamp does???


The bigger issue is that hat old wrinkly opera dude.

Depends. Remember, at one point, Brig was only being played at GM, while Ana was the top healer everywhere else. They nerfed Brig, and Ana dominated ladder even more.

It’s a clear demonstration of the balance team being out of touch with the playerbase.

So it’s back to being a question of who do you balance for.


Weren’t you saying Brig was bad and Bap is balanced not so long ago. Looks I won this debate

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Bad balancing started with Ana, not with Bap and Brig. They are symptoms of the problems of refusing to nerf snipers/tracer/genji/ana.

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Do I need to read out to you how many nerfs Ashe, Hanzo and Widow have received? Genji and Ana aren’t even problems.

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No it started when the genius game balancers thought that giving Hog 50% damage reduction was a good idea.


This, this, this.

At least mobility is on the table to be addressed in Overwatch 2 - let’s see if it actually happens. Burst damage will need to addressed due to the move to 5v5. It’s only a matter of time.

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You balance for the top of the ladder because the lower ranked players play what they want (or what they think is good or fun) even when it isn’t. Of course some characters need to also be adjusted so they aren’t omega noob stompers, but for the most part balance for higher ranks.

Why would anyone ever want to improve with the game how it has been? Top of the ladder being boring aids comps like goats, double shield, immortal garbage, and double bubble while the rest of the playerbase has fun on whatever. Also encourages good players to go play in lower elo so they can actually have fun playing the game and adds to the ever present and ever complained about “every game has 19 smurfs and they’re all on doomfist one shotting me” type beat).

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Man imma be honest with you; most of the people on these forums aren’t worth arguing with. Stubborn and look at the game from a low ranked POV and think that that’s how it functions because it’s how THEY play it (play it wrong I might add).

The issue is also amplified by the fact that a lot of people don’t actually want to improve- they just want to complain about things they dislike or don’t know how to outplay. When you explain how to counter or how to play with or as a hero they’ll just be like “doesn’t work that way in my rank “ ignoring that it’s ALSO the REASON that THEY are in THAT RANK. Mind boggling stuff man

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That’s how we ended up in the mess we are right now with most of the tank players gone, increasingly high DPS queue times, loose MMR and tank players just playing for tickets and not knowing how to actually tank.

If that was the case you would have the same win rates regardless of the tanks pickrate. But that’s not the case. Reinhardt and Zarya have both the highest pick and win rates.

They’re aren’t being picked just for fun, they’re picked the most because they actually win matches.

Those comps aren’t relevant to the overwhelming majority of the playerbase and nerfing them actually made the game worse each time.

During goats era was when we actually had players naturally going 2-2-2 as you didn’t have to be a tank main to tank effectively, and even if you ended up with a 1-4-1, a good tank and a good healer will still allow the comp to work. Goats wasn’t a thing on ladder. When they nerfed goats, it may have curbed it at the pro level, but in ladder where goats was practically nonexistent in the first place, the tank roster crashed.

Double shield was actually when we had the most tank variety in Overwatch in role locks history. While Masters and GM had Orisa and Sigma, the top two tanks for the rest of ladder (96% of the playerbase) were actually Reinhardt and Orisa, two tanks that had zero synergy and often ended up on opposite sides, and they brought up their own offtanks with them. And between Zarya, Roadhog and Sigma, Sigma was in fact the least picked.

Double shield era was actually when you had two comps, bunker and deathball, directly competing with each other. This isn’t some high level top 1%, it’s the common player that actually had a choice between two comps! The only ones that got the short end of the stick at that time were the dive tanks, but you just had to bring Winston up to par and you’d have had three competing comps! But they nerfed Orisa instead.

When they nerfed Orisa, the top two tanks became Reinhardt and Zarya, and you can probably remember what happened since because ladder has been in Rein/Zar prison for two years now.


We ended up in this mess because blizzard is too afraid to nerf something because they are afraid of any backlash. They try to please everyone when it doesn’t work. Nothing will stop lower ranks from feeding and playing whatever they want.

We also got in this mess because blizzard likes to add characters that can do everything. The only character that can do anything that was actually balanced on launch was Ashe and then eventually the overtuned her and now she is back down to balance.

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So if the thought of these heroes do to much means a rework shouldn’t the like of Genji, Mei, D.Va etc also get huge changes because those heroes also to do much

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This is probably one of the most cherripicking arguments I have seen here.

Zen DOES have healing, and the most potent healing ultimate in the whole game, along with the most reliable and hands-off healing source in the game - his orb was so overpowered it had to be nerfed several times including the addition of the light of sight mechanic.

Moira’s ‘‘sub role’’ after being a healer was supposed to be that of an anti-flanker but she has been so nerfed that all she is now is a pee spraying healbot.

Ana has about the same things that Bap does what is even this lmao

The list goes on. Massively downplaying every healer just make Bap seem like this insane overpowered and overdesigned beast is just… lol


TL:DR: Bap gets value and that makes me sad. NERF HIM


I do agree with there are too many people who complain about their uncoordinated attack or Q initiation and then are mad and join an echo chamber about how X hero preventing or undoing their kill is OP. Versus looking at the hero objectively and if coordination could have prevented the hero from stopping or undoing the play. (i.e throwing out soldier ult when you know Zen hasn’t ulted in a while and everyone is close to him, but you flanked behind so it should work…)

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No, I’ve never argued Bap is balanced.

I’ve always argued Lamp isn’t OP, and it’s his self heal and damage that are the biggest issues in his kit.

Try again.

Don’t see how is generic self heal is more OP than Lamp

Because consistency is what wins matches, not a 25sec situational cooldown. Which is why he still has the 2nd worst winrate of any support.

Bap’s healing and damage make the hero incredibly consistent in his performance. The OP details and explains all of this, but I really don’t expect you to read anything longer than a paragraph that I write.