🚩 Banner Flag emote for OWL teams

From BlizCon 2018, Tracer has an animation to plant a Horde or Alliance banner flag in the ground.

What if you could spend OWL points to get an animation to plant a banner flag for your favorite OWL teams.


The biggest deterrence I have for OWL purchases are the team logos on the skins. Some have some good color palettes, but feel ruined by the type of logo put on them. For example, I am like Seoul Dynasty colors, but the animal logo is a put off. Toronto Defiant is the only color palette and logo variation I enjoy.

Putting a giant flag down of the logo is not for me. I would prefer more unique theme’d stuff not related to OWL directly. The lucio emote for example, the pacific/atlantic skins, the Zen skin, etc.


I know this emote exists, but I’ve never seen a Tracer with it. ever.


I never even seen tracer around lately, only seen that flag used like once and it was the horde.

I’ve seen a Tracer in every single match today. Odd.

I equip the emote around Late-October and November myself when I am getting into the mood of BlizzCon.


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FYI, the flag emote is a World of Warcraft thing, not a BlizzCon thing. You can buy it here if that emote (and a few voice lines and sprays) happens to be worth $20 to you.

Yeah, but I wanna buy a San Francisco Shock banner.

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yes, give it as an all-emote that would be fire. lol only found this because I have the tracer ones a didn’t remember how I got them. yes I know this is 4 years old

:headstone: :zombie:

This thread has risen.

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Despite you knowing it is four years old, lucky will no doubt show up for his necro posts post.

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Well since we’re here, they can’t have these banners in game.

It would be pay to win.

They could effectively be used as a smoke grenade to obscure head hitboxes. (assuming they were not physical objects that fully blocked LoS)

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they disappear after a short time tho

I didn’t even know these emotes existed…

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damn 4 years ago and im just now seeing this post.

i mean theyre definitely going to do it now since they can charge $10 for the emote

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i forgot i had them till i miss clicked playing tracer

This was a good idea, thanks for the bump. Way better than these Souvenirs.

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Ya 1.3k views like why is this not a thing

Didn’t they show cosmetic banners for all heroes in one of the OW2 trailers that would work like souvenirs, but when the game came out, they were nowhere to be seen

Yes with junkerqueen and the ow symbol. So we could have like a black watch banner for only black watch heros and other organizations. Ontop of team and i would buy the oitlaw banne. What banner would you buy?