Banned out of nowhere

been banned for the entire season and I don’t really know why I didn’t leave any games to my memory this season yet and I don’t think I’ve gotten into any particular arguments with anyone recently, this seems really out of nowhere. this is my first time being band in this way so I don’t really know if i was meant to receive any sort of notification as to why it happened.
my account name is chris#212150


Bans notices rarely include the direct evidence for a number of reasons. However, if you want the staff to review the evidence against your account again, you’ll need to open an appeal ticket.

Thanks for the answer! However, the worse news is that those who also received a ban for no reason also sent a ticket and remained ignored, or received an automatic response “violating the EULA rules”, neither I nor any other player received a response to the second appeal


Welcome to the club, Blizzard being incompetent morons as always.

I got the automatic response after 24 hours and now its been 3 days since I responded to it and left the ticket open.