Banned for Smurfing

I’ve not violated any of the Code of Conduct terms yet I’ve been suspended for a day for Disruptive Gameplay. Having a 95% winrate over 80 games and not talking in chat isn’t “griefing, feeding, throwing” and therefore them banning me is against their own Code of Conduct terms. If Blizzard want to come out and say smurfing is now bannable, I’d completely understand it except they don’t say that because they want the money which is also understandable. But the fact they’re allowing people with a 95% winrate to be suspended for throwing games without giving an opportunity to appeal this action (you can’t appeal game bans), while at the same time allowing smurfs to play, is just downright snakey.

This is not a bug. This is just a complaint.

You shouldn’t be smurfing anyway. If you truly had a 95% win rate then something about what you were doing was dirty.


You shouldn’t be smurfing that’s the whole point of ranks and I hope they ban people for smurfing but they won’t because its blizzard there greedy with money