Banned for cheating

I got a suspension till the end of the season today because my network went out so i had already created a ticket about this and then out of nowhere my account gets banned mid game for cheating. Im an above average player at best theres simply no chance there is any evidence to back my so called cheating. I really need someone to look into this i’ve spent a decent bit of money on this game and being banned for cheating is actually insane i haven’t cheated on anything since buying those blimming cheat cards for the nintendo DS back in the day. This is a completely wrongful ban and i hope my account isnt just a "well your not a big streamer so we aren’t even going to look into if you are playing legitimately or not. Seriously go and watch any single game of mine there no way im cheating its ridiculous.

This forum is for peer-to-peer troubleshooting of crash and install issues. Posting about disciplinary actions breaks the forum code of conduct. Additionally, there are no customer support staff monitoring this forum to discuss this issue with you. If you feel the ban is unjust, submit an appeal through the ticket system.

you can try to appeal but your chances of it getting rejected is almost 100%

so far, as far as we know, players who have appealed against a perna ban has been rejected

as far as i know

appeal works for the following

Abusive player name

Abusive chat bans

I dont “feel” like this id unjustified its 100% unjustified i swear down on everything that means importance to me that you guys have 0 and i meam absolutely 0 evidence to back this claim…how ridiculous honestly ive not been done for cheating in any game ever… crazy i come back to overwatch from rivals because its fresh and fun … First you slap me with a ban from comp till the end of the season because my network went out mid game and then by 0 coincidence what so ever you perm ban it for cheating of all things…Diabolical actions.

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You are responsible for your own internet connection, sending tickets won’t resolve your ISP issue. The game has a rule - NO LEAVING, no matter what.

No im not complaining about my comp being suspended till the end of the season im complaining about the completely unjustified perm game ban i got not long after for cheating…i know we’ve all heard it here “oh i wasnt cheating” watch any single one of my games …shii just watch the one i got banned in and tell me if im reslly cheating…this is 100% a wrongful ban all it would take is one person to take a look a realise this.

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Sorry, I have missed that part, I guess, thought it is a default “Not me but my internet” issue. However, you don’t have to proof anything, as a person who stuck with this game since 2018, having over 15k hours in it playing, I know the issue.

As the “Defence” Matrix have been implemented, players quickly realized how could they abuse it. And this is what happened to you. Therefore, it doesn’t matter the reasoning “Chating” it is just that is the most effective reporting string to choose, and that is in no way related to your ISP outage. You’ve just been playing on a flagged account already. It might have been flagged months ago before the actual ban.

Unfortunately, there is no solution to this, because ther “Defence” matrix triggers automatically as you have reached a certain amount of reports (a treshold). If you try to contact a support, you will be sending tickets 5 times and get ChatGPT AI responses that are similar to each other “we confirm the action taken was legit”. Then if you’re lucky enough, you will get a human review that will just confirm it further, because they use low quality low cost employees from India who work for quantity only and have no task nor time investigating each individual issue. They’ve been hired for “conveyoring” not for supporting the community. They will show you no reason, nor proofs. Furthermore, they will say that you will be ignored with further tickets if you will. They will ignore anything you put in there as your proof of legitimacy.

I am sorry. But there are slight chances to get unbanned if you have any connections to Blizzard or their content creators/employees, or basically, if you are their hommie, you know. GL, anyway. But I would recommend creating about 20 accounts to play, 1 account per session and never bother about such a stupidity as their reporting system/bans.

Sincerely, your actual Technical Support.

This is absolutely insane to me. Ive never abused any of the interesting bugs overwatch has delivered over the years nothing along those lines im just an average run of the mill player nothing about my gameplay or performance screams “he’s cheating” its absolute rubbish im going to keep spamming tickets until i get a proper investigation from someone theres simply 0 chance ive done any cheating.