Banned for blizzards own leaver system

If someone leaves your game and you get the timer that counts down before you can leave, don’t leave what ever you do, it counts towards the new banning system for the season :]…
Had 2 leavers in 2 games in a row after waiting out the timer before we can leave, timer expired still waited a couple more seconds just to be sure before i can leave, after the rest of the team left, i left myself, now banned for season 10, so yea don’t leave just wait out the game afk in spawn :person_shrugging:


I had the same thing but last night servers were bad and I queued for a game, it said connected, but then didn’t put me in a game, afterwards it said I was on a 15 minute timeout, now today I am banned for the entire season.

edit: this is the first time I’ve not connected to a game either.


Yea I have heard about other people having the same issue. Funnily enough was watching a streamer yesterday and someone in his game left and he waited until the timer ran out and left himself. Was able to Q normally after that with no penalties.

There are a lot of bugs that came with Season 10 just like with the release of any Season and ofc none of those got addressed.

Yesterday 30 mins or so before the Mirrorwatch event release the servers got laggy and kept kicking people out of QP and putting people in different servers. I got put on NA a few games in a row even tho I am EU.

Blizzard still has not managed to release a single Season without bugs.


ohh that sucks RIP, guess i have to find something else to do this season, and was just about to buy the Battlepass this season guess i dont have to now :smiley:

Same happened to me.

As I wrote this, enter in game and saw i am banned for season!!.
Did not say any thing in chats, because i had well-deserved penalty for 15days (7-8 days left) and could not use the chats.
I did not use any king of external software.

yeah I have been hearing people keep getting banned leaving after the leaver timer is up and getting insta banned since the season started… there is some kind of bug
small indie company yknow
sorry that you got banned :confused:

I have put in a ticket, which they have already solved with a standard reply, which you can see they have not investigated anything:


“This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.”

Everything great and they treated their public very well.
If I know I don’t pay for the battle pass…

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