Ban the smurfs. Ban 'em all

It makes overwatch a real blizzard game.
A farm game.
You will have lots of games that cant be win because of leavers, throwers, tilted etc…
To climb you need to just play more and make those game not important for your SR… So farm… A game with a smurf is like a bad loot drop from a boss in WoW. Just try again … and again etc… until you finally get what you want. And have the SR you want.

Just report for gameplay sabotage.

A better option would be minimum of 24 hours play time, 8 on each role of DPS, Tanks and Support along with increasing the minimum level. If 24 goes by to fast increase it to 48 hours total.

Blizzard doesn’t often ban throwers. Instead the matchmaking system knows pretty well who’s throwing and who’s not, and also who’s most likely to throw. It will pair you up with players who’s hidden MMR is lower than their SR and put a thrower or 2 in for good measure to make sure your SR drops until it is the same as your MMR. If you notice after you’ve done really good for 2 matches or more (whether you win or lose) you will usually end up in a placement match. Since you’ve been doing well that means the system is trying to figure out where you belong, and who to pair you up with in the future depending on your performance in the placement match. For more information you can google the Reddit called “I have finally done it: I have Understood the Matchmaker”

Smurfs should not have an easy access to competitive matches!

Seriously. To make a smurf account and access competitive is too darn easy. Reaching level 25? Simple matter of a day. Smurfs exist both in low ranks and in high ranks. The amount of idiots saying “Haha gold border in Masters, what a joke. My main is in high Gm so I don’t care about your reports” while playing in Masters is now a running joke.

Yeah, reports work. The amount of “Thank you for the report” I retrieve daily is staggering just from the sheer amount. Smurf accounts IS a problem and one solution that would hinder them hard is raise the bar to level 100.

Allow new players enter competitive only after they reach level 100 on their accounts. The benefits are:

  • They have more time to learn the core of the game (maps, heroes) before throwing themselves into competitive.
  • The amount of smurfs will drastically reduce, it will be felt in all ranks.
  • Popular streamers can either grind their asses for 100 levels for their climb montages or abandon the idea.

All in all, Smurf account users are those who will not try to win, will ruin other players games and will trash talk like under aged kids, bragging about their “main” rank.

Bu but bruh smurf don’t ruin any game…

In case someone don’t get it, this is sarcasm THEY RUIN EVERY MATCH THEY’RE INTO.

Why do you think I don’t play comp?

Wonder how many people are claiming “This was someone doing Bronze to GM which isn’t bannable!” in this topic. I’m not going to bother reading everything.

You cant ban people that payed money for those accs. You can ban them for intentionally deranking /throwing but you cant ban them for smurfing since they are giving money to blizzard.

Actual cheats give Blizz money, they get hard banned. It literally states in the ToS they can ban you for any reason or no reason at all. So of course they can ban, if they had the will to.

much easier since the first few levels are less than a third the needed experience.
1st 20 level ups go from 2k to 19k. adding it together requires a fraction of the time

Dude smurfs are not mild annoyances, they’re straight up ruining the gameplay experience for many players, to the point where people like OP and myself don’t even want to play the game.

For instance just yesterday I tried to play, 3 matches of Ana later and having two hard throwers and a dancing torb later and I log out feeling more frustrated than when I went in. This is supposed to be a game and people literally can’t even play the game because people in the player base aren’t interacting with it properly - THAT IS ON BLIZZARD TO FIX!

Guilds, attaching cellphone numbers to accounts in order to make them more personal and therefore make smurfing a more discouraged activity, different game modes that require certain compositions so that there’s at least some semblance of sanity in your picks - there are so many easy ways for Blizzard to start TRYING to address the problem and they simply don’t do anything.

Because sitting on your hands and watching everyone get pissed and leave is smart I guess!


false reporting doesn’t get people banned wtf.

what do they add to overwatch - nothing

why are they not permanently banned - because smurfing isn’t a reportable offense???

kap has gone on record saying smurfing isn’t a problem.
h ttps://

So if somebody is outperforming for their rank they should just get banned. Congratulations boys we’ve done it, we’ve ended ranking up.

People “outperforming their rank” in Bronze would not do what I am describing they did in the OP, and they would not allow the game to drag for 60 minutes to the point of autoshutdown instead of just winning in a couple minutes tops.

I get you, I once had a 10 rounds game in Paris.
Here’s what I would recommend:
Ask your team not to get out of spawn. Do something else, don’t bother trying. That will bore the smurfs and that’s actually one of the only way you have to win the game. They might leave the game.
If your team wants to try anyway, try but don’t try hard.

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Blizzard will not do anything about smurf accounts, this is a known fact.

If you were getting spawn camped you should have just stayed in base and causal discussions seated down, while the heathens got no satisfaction that they could keep killing you.

Ask your team not to get out of spawn.
Then you get kicked for inactivity and receive a leaver penalty.

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Process is not slow, almost no one gets banned for smurfing(unless you’re streaming yourself doing it). There’s nothing you can report them for, because it’s perfectly legal to climb your way from bronze to … higher ranks.
Team mates will never report you because it’s a free win - and most low rank players can’t even recognize smart thrower. If you’re playing meta heroes you can feed whole game, they’ll just acuse Torb or Symmetra for throwing … or Mercy. There’s almost always a Mercy in low ranks, so there you go … blame it on Mercy and you’re good.

We were in camp a good deal of the match, it DOES eventually throw you out even if you start moving and out of spawn, but you just Rejoin immediately and you don’t get penalized.

For the 1000 times, not all players using alt accounts are derankers, ban this minority not the majority of people using alts to play other characters.