Ban the smurfs. Ban 'em all

As if anyone cares.
I am reporting smurfs for close to over a year and i never got any suspension.
The report system is as broken as the MMR and lader.

And as long as there are smufs i will report them for at least 3 things.


You truly are defending smurfs who are griefing lower rankers for the lolz and wasting everyone’s time? The smurfs that deliberately SR manipulate to get low enough, form groups and then roflstomp enemy teams and then keep stalling to keep the game going forever?

Get out.


Aww…this sounds so sad.

I hope you reported all of them.
Seriously Blizzard how hard is it to watch people being reported for this garbage?
Stop letting pos’ ruin other people’s games.
Ban these people and their MAIN accounts.

Actually there is, follow the money all accounts are purchased by someone.
Use that to group IP’s together, in the case of the use of VPN’s.
When trolling is reported on one account. Suspend all the accounts grouped with it if the IPs belong to a VPN.
Then put the onus of proving innocence on the troll.

As long as their Main account is safe this garbage will continue. They need to ban their Mains, it is about Accountability for their actions.

*I know accounts bought through 3rd party sites will bypass this, but it should be a smaller percentage. And you can still ban these individual accounts.

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“It doesn’t say you can’t” is the last vestige of someone who lost the argument. Those are examples that are included, but are not limited to the kinds of reportable behaviour.

I bet you’re a nightmare to GM for in DnD.


wow that really sucks…those are probably plat smurfing in bronze because they feel better stomping bronzies because they know they are hardstuck plat forever. this really sucks and im sry this happened to u…
just a question tho were u 6 stacking and got qued into them as a 6 stack or did u solo que and get them ?

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Something needs to be done about smurfs in Competitive Play. Additionally, however, it does sound like there needs to be a better time limit in place for ‘king of the hill’ matches. Allowing 1 hour is just stupdity, I would honestly say limit it to 5-6 minutes and if nobody has taken the point then draw the round. That should be more than ample enough time for a team to take the point initially in most ‘king of the hill’ matches. If after three rounds nobody is a winner then obviously draw the match.

Indeed, you could report these offenders for ‘gameplay sabotage’ but they will have to have had accumulated enough reports in a certain timeframe (believed to be how the in-game reporting facility works) before an automatic action is taken against them. On the other hand they might have plenty of money, e.g. from posting the entertainment on YouTube or Twitch, to just simply buy another copy of Overwatch again.

In my opinion Overwatch needs to follow suit of some other games with their ‘Competitive Play’ variants. For example, CSGO. Instead of just limiting SMS authentication to top 500, why not just roll that out to all of ranked and make it a requirement to do before being able to participate in Competitive Play.

Of course, SMS is the easiest method of all to workaround, so I would honestly suggest making it a little more difficult by doing what banks generally do to verify certain ‘new’ transactions being to be made, that being an automated voice call which asks you to enter a one-time PIN shown on your screen. You could block VoIP numbers and at best only allow landline and mobile numbers, and only one per account. This should help make it a little more difficult to smurf, although not impossible of course.

Other methods at their disposal could potentially be to monitor and take record of the ‘hardware ID’ of a computer playing Overwatch, ensuring that only maybe two or three accounts at most can participate in Competitive Play from that ‘hardware ID’. This idea might help reduce the effectiveness of these ‘boosting’ services out there too.

Again, all ideas which I’m sure on an official level will be disregarded or not even read unless heavily promoted by someone important or a group of important players (e.g. OWL participants or highly popular streamers perhaps?). But regardless, I’ll post them anyway in hope that something might change one day for the better, for a majority of players.

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I think not capturing the objective is gameplay sabotage…
It doesn’t matter if your so good you can spawn camp, good for the enemy team, but if they don’t capture the objective, they are not playing to win, ergo are breaking the CoC.

just beeing better is no excuse to get banned.

i completely agree with you here. i was so excited to play OW because of the hero pool and artwork and teamwork aspect, but the amount of gameplay sabotage ruining the fun in a GAME for others is out of control.


I know that Jeff Kaplan is ok with smurfs but honestly… To me there is no reason to have a second account, because even if u do not want to admit it, you have an advantage over players that actually just started the game.
I don’t understand it…

They will and have banned smurfs (specifically ones who manipulated there MMR to get down there not the ones who are just playing a different character and only play that character so they are the rank they should be), but the problem is that its somewhat hard for a system to differentiate someone who is throwing games to smurf versus someone who is losing because they are learning a new hero.

Here is an example that I actually saw happen. I have a friend who wanted to learn Wrecking Ball and Doomfist. Obviously he was going to fall while learning them and of course he did fall almost 500 SR. Not throwing but not winning. 500 SR down he was like “I cannot coordinate with people this low so I will climb back up” and he did fairly effortlessly because 500 SR is like an entirely different game. Repeat a couple times until hero is finally learned.

None of that last paragraph was a smurf or a thrower but the system would not be able to tell the difference between the two.

If they are a six stack… This isn’t the case. tho

Examples are just that, examples, but not limited to those offences.

I’ve said this many times and I’ll say it again, learn from the smurf.

Take note of their positioning, how they play, their aim. Coordinate with your team to take it down. Just because the enemy team has an advantage doesn’t make it impossible.

Also, why would smurfs be banned? It’s a source of revenue, viable source at that.

Yeah. Spawn camping must be totally viable, great positioning.

Most smurfs have awful positioning, because they don’t need to worry about it, they make up for it with mechanical skills.


This must have been hell.
Two things though, isn’t it funny how you can see a moderator comment on most posts, but never see any official blizz account on any smurf related posts… it’s like they’re deliberately ignoring them.
Also, why is it an hour before the server shuts down? they should bring it back to like 30 min tops, maybe less, who would spend a whole hour on the same match?

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Thankfully with the new replay feature you can replay the entire game, record it, and send it in with your report.

You can also derank with only 1 account.
And lots of players with multiple accounts never smurf (play in a rank much lower then your skill rank)
Also i have seen players with only 1 account who where smurfing without even knowing they were smurfing. (can happen when you put your account SR lower then your main hero’s SR because of lots of filling. For example main tank, where he was a much lower skill level on. Deranked and then played main again when he didnt had to fill -> resulting in smurfing -> he playing far above the other players skill level.)

As long there is no hero based SR, you cant tell easy if someone is smurfing on purpose or just being a good team mate and always fills. Or if someone just have been trying out new heroes.

But of course gameplay sabotage, like OP game. Is very obvious and i hope they all got a very long IP based ban.

It is probably because smurfs(playing far below your actual skill rating, or boosted (playing above your skill rating) players are hard to detect, if they are doing it on purpose to troll, or without even knowing and just want to be a good team mate, in the current SR system. See my post above this one.

Yeah, it’s still funny how you never get any messages from them. I understand that they cant really add to the conversation without either putting a company message at risk or having to repeat it word by word, but it would be cool if they acknowledged this sort of complaints.

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