Ban smurfs faster or even instantly!

I honestly don’t trust most players to accurately tell the difference between a smurf and a nonsmurf.

I’ve been called a smurf a few different times. I only own one account, and it has a gold border now.

Yeah thats true, and i only have a problem with that, cause of the masses and basically every new account playing on false rank the first placements and around double the games after.

thats the reason why we need hero based SR :slight_smile:

Look, both options you said are bad, but one is happening much more often, cause the people don’t like to loose their precious SR.
As such, many accounts are incredibly low ranked for what SR they get.
One solution could be Hero based SR, another one that you can play in Masters and above only if you are over level 150. But that ignores the plats in silver or the dia in gold.

Thats true, and i’m not speaking about these :wink:

To everyone: Smurfs or Alt accounts aren’t only a problem for SR, not everyone plays for SR! The bigger problem is, that it’s decreasing match quality, and this gets lower and lower. Getting steam rolled, ok, but getting a clear win or loos every 3 games is frankly said really really poor match quaility. Even if the SR Rating of both teams is the same, sometimes it acutally ends up that you get steamrolled or you clearly win. Thats mainly caused by alts and smurfs, for different reasons, only a incompletel list of them:

  • Not minding about this account win/loss ratio
  • Deciding games one sided, cause you feel like you want to demonstrate them how better you are
  • Tilting games, cause if your alt account looses, you don’t mind it, even if its getting banned, who cares
  • Being overly toxic ingame, not chat or voice. Harrassing people only to tilt them, cause you want to have fun, and you poor little ***** need to have it on the cost of others

Thats a incomplete list, but it comes down that Alt Accounts need to be linked to their main account, or they need to be bannable.

I actually think I’m going to either quit or take a long break from Overwatch because of Smurfs. As a Junkrat main that is trying to learn heroes and has only ever had 1 account, It seems as though more than 30% of my losses are against genji, pharah or widow smurfs or account sharers. These players completely shut down my entire team and there’s literally nothing we can do.

I’m certain that the reason I’ve been unable to hit diamond this season is because every time I’m 1 win away from diamond, I end up fighting against smurfs until I drop to 2450 again. There is a huge and noticeable difference between Good Plat Genjis, Widows and Pharahs and actual smurf ones. Smurfs are Extremely consistent. There is no reason for me to try to climb ranked if it’s impossible due to smurf abundance. I should just quit this game. Smurfs will not be addressed and I’m damn tired of fighting against multiple smurfs per night.

I’m curious how many other people have either quit or are on the verge of quitting because of Smurfs. Please share your thoughts. I’m not asking for opinions from Smurfs, only opinions from people who are being pushed to the edge by Smurfs.

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Why is this so hard to understand you know?

Why bump this… WHY?

The community supports smurfs, alt accounts, boosting and dropping rank. When it comes to high ranking smurfs, everyone only hates it when the OTHER team has them.

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Its only a problem if it hurts YOU
That’s basically what reddit has done to this game.

Well, the problem with that is when they buy accounts that are already at level 25, or they basically throw games until level 25.

What to understand with this? It’s not talking about Smurfs, it’s talking about 2nd accounts allowed but boosting and throwing forbidden.

Exactly - I am surprised people can’t grasp the distinction that alts are allowed, smurfs ie. throwers and/or boosting is not…

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