Ball is dead, Hanzo is dead, the game sucks

5v5 can’t be saved. another patch that makes the game more miserable. still supportwatch but now tank diff is back since tanks carry, altough still not as much as sups.

my 2 cents


Ball is still good especially against stubborn tanks that refuse to swap. Lost to one today while we had a clueless Zarya running around like a chicken. We had Junk and Cass trying to counter the Ball but due to stubborn tank it was gg.


Are queue times bad?

Is the player population going down?

Are you sure Ball is dead? I’d give it some time on this patch before declaring that.


Hanzo isn’t dead, but he can’t carry like he used to since he can’t delete the other dps who have good positioning. So basically you can still kill the bads, but vs good players you will feel useless.


If Ball is dead after a “rework” that was essentially pure buffs and their response afterwards was to buff nearly aspect of their kit… There is a very serious problem with the homie.


How is Hanzo dead? He’s harder now, but not dead.

I still delete people with dome shots.


I have no problem with hanzo being dead… Good riddance. :joy:

There is.

It’s that he is inferior to Doomfist in pretty much every way.

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I do not disagree. I pick Doomfist when I want to be annoying. Not Ball. It’s true!

You’re not wrong, but let’s at least give the four buffs he got a chance before declaring him still dead. Lockout duration buffs are no joke.


Oh, hush…
Keep it down now…


He’s not many streamers today are saying ball is in a good place. You just have a relatively small number or good ball in players.

You can also get relatively the same value out of sigma for example much easier.

Every tank is in a relatively good place atm cept maybe Mauga which still is viable in certain match up.

I still argue though no change outside 6v6 can help though The primary issue has nearly never been that tanks arnt strong it’s that there’s only one of them. It puts a lot of weight on one persons shoulders where every other role can at times be carried singlehanded.

I don’t know if it’s still relevant, but Jason Schreier did say Overwatch 2 struggles with player retention on his Twitter, but that was like 2 months back IIRC.

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Ball is great, you’re crazy

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Ultimately, fist/winston both got huge damage buffs to compensate for the increases in HP across the board. Ball didn’t, and he’s really behind those two now. 50 => 60 damage on his fireball pales in comparison to 50 => 75 damage on Winston’s primary fire. The accuracy changes just don’t help Ball much at all either.

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That makes sense, non-projectile combo-oriented ability characters suffered from S9 changes if they weren’t directly compensated. They had the foresight to buff primary/secondary fire but not abilities. That said, Winston’s break was 60 DPS pre-season 9.

It’s astounding how much time they will continue to waste on this absolute garbage.


Your Junk and Cass were clueless I’m afraid. Leave the ball alone and kill his unprotected squishies. The ball was a distraction. If your Dps push up into the enemy backline with your Zar then the ball will be alone most of the time and will essentially have no follow up.


No. We kill the Ball, or we die trying.