Balancing to solve "Rein or Lose"

I would rather have separate balancing for OWL and ladder. Then Mei as a dps can get some improvements.

If Mei becomes a tank, I expect actual improvements so she does not become a F tier tank. Mei as an off tank would need off tank level of lethality like Zarya or Hog to work effectively. Player would be clamoring for nerfs if Mei become a decent tank, then the nerfs will roll in and she is back being F tier. Great Mei as a tank has solved the OWL problem but nothing else.

Mei as a Tank would get buffs. Eventually.
But not initially.

Gotta get past the initial community freakout.

most of this has absolutely nothing to do with Rein.

Rein is really good in low ranks because he’s extremely easy to play around as well as mechanically easy to play.

The issue with the likes of Sigma is that even if he wants to spam from the high ground his low rank teammates jump on point and it’s just a brawl.

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The way I see it, mid/low skill tiers take a ton of more poke damage on barriers.

So “a Tank with a big barrier” is the best option.

Then throw in how “A tank that gets to shoot stuff constantly” could be desirable compared to “The guy who can’t attack much until be gets into hammer range”.

I am sure you are aware that blizzard’s eventually giving her improvements could take many years. Maybe until they release Overwatch 3 since they still have not done anything for bastion.

Maybe, but I’m also sure you’re aware they could make changes every 2 weeks if they are in the mood for it.

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No matter what you do low-mid ranks will always play most tanks like brawl heroes, grouping up and charging in.

Bigger shields with weaker kits for Orisa and Sigma doesn’t help them do this.
Low ranks do not understand how to play around these heroes effectively like hugging cover utilising high ground. Not just sitting on point where Rein can swing at you for a ton of damage, or holding up a 1600 hp barrier for a lot of value.

If anything I would personally nerf Rein’s barrier but buff him however much he needs to be viable again after. If Rein’s barrier is weaker his positioning pathing and more become more important and harder for low ranks to play around. If Rein is more brawly and faster paced and selfish that would be more fun. But also would reduce the need for rectangle man because he’s just as hard as the other tanks.

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DPS are the ones who need balanced all damage nerfed for a start & also movement abilities nerfed

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But at least you’d still have it where people feel like they are playing Rein, because they want to play Rein.

Not because Orisa, Sigma and Winston are not meaningful options.


They have not been in the mood to address under performing heroes until the last patch. Now they are pretty swift when it come to nerfing.

Double shield is short hand for poke comp. Poke doesnt need heavy shielding.

The fundamental job of tanks is to answer the question, “how do we get in their and have a real fight?” They have barriers and tank abilities to get get their teams past damage-heavy chokes.

In poke comp, you dont need to answer that question, because you’re usually NOT looking to have a “real fight”. You are looking to abuse your range and positioning to win fights before the enemy gets in your space.

“So poke doesnt NEED lots of shields, but what happens when you give them it anyway?” Long range characters, which are already safe due to their range, become even MORE safe because they get to stand behind a big shield and pick off anyone who tries to get close.

But actually what is more likely is that you get “bad” heroes sitting behind a double shield, getting value in situations where they have no business even being viable.

This is what happened with original double shield. Barriers were so strong that you could afford to run characters like bastion and reaper. It was essentially brawl, but with more static/less fun comps.

“But dive is a hard counter to barriers. If we reduce peel, dive can easily keep it in check.” Dive also suffers from shields. It’s way different getting a poggers ang behind a rein shield and diving past orisa/sigma shields. The thing people dont realize about peel is that it is literally anything that can save someone from dying. That includes damage, something that every dps has access to. If you can make it safe to run bastion or reaper, do you even need brig’s peel?

Orisa and sigma would have to become brawl heroes to justify the increased shield hp, and they are already fantastic poke tanks.

Rein doen’t need any nerfs to his health. And the dmg is overall fine, because it’s basically a compensation to his shatter-nerf.

Winston should get buffed, Sigma reworked in either a Off- or Main Tank finally and Cow should get a better barrier again. Thats all.


Bastion and Reaper damage don’t mean much to a defence matrix.

This is the direction sigma should go

Beefier barriers is fine,
But I’m not seeing a mechanism to defeat DoubleBarrier at close range in your changes.

And sigma’s barrier + shift dumpsters D.Va, tracer, and genji’s damage.

Honestly, double shield is in a way healthier spot right now. Double shield cant just deathball with infinite shields → teams have to make better use of high ground/map geometry → teams are more spread out → you can actually dive someone without the damage/healing/stuns of 6 different heroes.

The entire rest of the Tank meta is screwed over by it, by having “Rein or Lose” for all ELOs though.

As for kinetic grasp, you do have a point. I may need to think of a more creative nerf for it.
Maybe cut the range in it down from 3m to 1m, and apply a 50% Slow when using it.
So it’s almost exclusively for selfpeel, and not teammate peel.

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That’s false. Believe it or not before they guttered orisa and shields tanks we saw balanced play throughout all of the ladder and occasionally in gm. Saying buffing orisa into a actual tank again wont help restore balance is wrong. Will rein still be more popular? Sure. But will the beable to fairly compete with both having healthy pickrate and winrates? Yeah they would, and that’s way more balanced than the lopsided crap we are putting up with


No stun? Worst idea ever lol


Oh well,
If some players quit, it’s still worth fixing queue times and matchmaker quality.

All Masters+GM Brig players account for about 0.02% of the playerbase.

An acceptable loss.

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