Balancing to solve "Rein or Lose"

It’s just this guy asking for it. People want mei to be a tank because they know no one’s going to pick mei once she becomes a tank.

Nobody picks Mei now. She’s got less pickrate than Torbjorn.

But her pickrate would easily go up a lot, purely on DPS players who want a lower queue time on a “budget Hanzo”.

Not to mention the existing Mei players would all get 30sec queue times.

At least by disconnecting her potential from her GM/OWL usage, she can actually have some decent pickrate on the bottom 98% of ladder.


This actually looks solid. I agree with the changes and think it’s definitely the right way to go.

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Nah, I want her to be a tank so I can stop one tricking Dva. Mei as a dps? I will never wait 7 minutes to play her, absolutely not. 7 seconds, though? That can be arranged.


That’s not true. I’m also asking for her to be a tank. Her entire kit is built as a solid tank kit more so than dps. It has zoning, protection and mitigation abilities. One of the best zoning ults in the game. And her damage is meh. She’s also been a nightmare for balance because she essentially acts as third tank every time we see her. She could easily make for a viable tank, and it’s honestly stupid she isn’t one already.


Immorality field

All heroes 2× as likely to play a malicious prank on a team member as long as they’re within the field.

There's a second opinion for you.

Those are reasonable changes, although the Brig changes to compensate the stun loss could have a lot of alternatives, I’d include reducing shield bash CD to 6 (or maybe even 5 secs) and it also triggering inspire as options.

Not all of these are even necessary, just buff the barriers of the other main tanks so they can compete with Reinhardt’s shielding potential

Its impossible to main tank with a barrier with only 600 or 700hp

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How about no. If you do this, then Nanoboost and both of Zen’s Orbs would have to work the same.

I’m mostly referring to Matrix cause barriers already block them

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I like brig but her problem is low base HP not Self inspire.
Nerf self inspire to 10HPS like it used to be (it’s 15HPS now)

Double barrier pls no. Brig does not need buffs

She kind of belongs there

Nothing can do this outside of making them op for multiple years. Mid ranks don’t understand highground, off angles or pressing the s key at the right time enough to ever play anything that isn’t brawl

But like…
Isn’t buffing Sigma’s and Orisa’s barriers something we absolutely don’t want ?

I think the Bap and Brig buffs would make dive kind of a fail comp

It is because people see abilities that can be used for defense and make the easy and simple connection to a tank class. Then they just repeat it until it becomes a meme in the classic sense.

The trick here is that the strength of the barriers on DoubleBarrier is irrelevant, if you just Dive past it.

But the problem there was how much AntiDive that DoubleBarrier could feature. Particularly AntiDive on heroes that aren’t offtanks, that can’t be blocked by Defence Matrix.

So this patch removes almost all of that, such that DoubleBarrier at high tier would be a joke composition.

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Perhaps, but the goal isn’t specifically to make Dive meta.
The goal is to make it so that high durability compositions are not meta.

So if it ends up being a AnchorTank+PeelTank composition at high tier, like Rein/Zarya, that’s fine too.

If you’re going to want Mei to be a tank, then she should probably have at least the minimum tank health pool (400), not that pathetic 325 that you’re giving her.

Oh I know.
It’s intentionally a “bare minimum”, since players are going to FREAK OUT about Mei being OP with the slightest paranoid possibility of that being true.

The actual buffs can come later.

Which is fine, considering devs can put out patches every 2 weeks if they are in the mood for it.

In the mean time Mei will get plenty of pickrate as a “budget Hanzo with a 30sec queue time”.

But at least this sets her on the path towards eventually getting buffs. Where as currently she’s kinda trapped right now in the “Sombra Zone”. Too OP for OWL, too weak for Diamond and below.

I could actually see her getting nerfs as she is now, considering OWL looks like they will be making her meta.