Balancing around the 1% is killing this game

That’s just my personal opinion, but I would say skill consists of 3 parts …

  1. mechanical skill: aim, reflexes, ability management

  2. teamplay: communication, coordination

  3. game knowledge: gamesense, strategy

maybe a bonus point …

  1. not being stupid :neutral_face:

Balancing around plat and below potato’s is what keeps characters that are trash in the ranks that matter trash.


Would you rather have a surgical treatment done by a surgeon or a butcher?
I guess a surgeon so please try to be coherent and let people who know what they are talking about give advices… Ty.


Mercy isn’t very bad.

It makes no sense not to balance around the people who are most likely to use heroes to their fullest potential. I’d have no desire to get better at a game that was balanced mostly around average players (Call of Duty for example). That would mean balance would have to get worse as you climb and that’s no incentive for me to improve. The game is better for everyone as a result of balancing from the top down, not just for those that are currently playing there.


In lower ranks hanzo is a huge problem… he’s completely broken and I hate going up against him constantly. he used to require more skill than widow but now he’s about as easy as reaper

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While I don’t agree with some of your hero-specific points, I totally agree that the balance for the 1% ruins the game for the lower 80% of the playerbase where the top 19% above that is neutral to it. Add in that smurfs more commonly crush that lower 80% so the imbalance makes it even worse.


Well TBF the top tank before OWL was DVA, so having a second Reinhardt-popularity tank would be handy right now with lack of tank players

And I do think you’re right about the complaining but ladder and pre-made teams play the game completely differently, balance around GM players and the game is more balanced for us peasants, balance around OWL and you get characters like Rein and McCree who aren’t the top Tanks/DPS in OWL but are dominating the current ladder


i agree, ive always found it stupid how the game pretty much revolves around OWL and theyre like “we needed to nerf sombra because the owl was finding her annoying :(”


I always believed a better option would be to balance around the higher, middle-of-the-pack, like Platinum to Masters (where most of the community is that plays at an above average level).

Balancing around this area would be ideal, as those lower than them would have to learn more about their hero(es), and those above them have managed to excel with mastering said hero(es).


I don’t know why you’re acting like Widow was never touched.
Since 2017:
-Grapple cooldown increased from 8 to 12 (50% nerf)
-Full charge shot time increased from .75 to .9 (12% nerf)
-Ammo decreased from 10 to 7 (30% nerf)
-Given fall off damage instead of infinite range (50% nerf at max range)
-HP reduced to 175 (12.5% nerf)
-Ult is canceled when she dies

She has received zero buffs in this time.


Seems like you’re looking for a reason to generalize and blame all pros for balancing they didn’t do.

Do you know how many pros have been complaining about McCree and rein right now? They also complained about genji meta, even if they thought it was fun. You know some pros think Moira is weak right?

And half those heroes you listed are all still strong and viable, some even meta

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This thread has an uncountable amount wrongs, lmao. I smell silver.


Stomped low ranks

Stomped low ranks

Stomped low ranks

Dominated low ranks for months

Go-to low rank support for months until nerfs.

If anything the reason these heroes aren’t buffed isn’t the 1%, it’s the negative impact it’d have on the majority. Unsurprisingly EVERYONE complained for the 2 minutes that Bastion was good.


So happy Mercy mains don’t balance this game, Blizzard has been doing a good job with balance.

They still need to make resurrect part of Mercy’s ultimate though, an ultimate shouldn’t be on cooldown pretty broken.

Yes let’s not balance around the 99% of people stuck in gold and plat

Let’s only acknowledge the guys that got into gm in like season 4 or something



Also Genji literally got nerfed a few after he got quad buffed; that isn’t a long time. He wasn’t overperforming outside of those 3 weeks he was meta

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aren’t most of these patch changes the same as the one last month the ‘experimental card owl tournament’? in that, the league panel concluded that macree needed no changes so of course blizzard won’t touch him. why would they care about us peasants lol

the game pretty much has no new players in the game- so everyone’s hardstuck in their ranks it’s a matter of whether your team has the better smurf hanzo/macree combo or not. game will never be balanced for us

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Everyone who makes this complaint is just looking around and picking the one thing that doesn’t apply to them (being good at the game) and making that thing the evil scapegoat to pin all their frustrations on.

There is no grand battle for the soul of Overwatch. The game is good for pros, it’s good for high-skill players, and it’s good for casual and low-skill players. It balances all of that as well as any game possibly can.

When you play OW and get frustrated, it’s not the fault of some mysterious other faction of players – the game is just frustrating sometimes. If you’ve been playing for 5 years and find yourself having less fun, that’s normal! That’s called the passage of time! You’ll notice that happening more and more, with literally everything in your life.

If you don’t enjoy the game, don’t play. But this whiny, entitled attitude that (some) casual players have is so incredibly childish. Even all the pro players talk openly about how they understand the game needs to appeal to casual players, which comes with tradeoffs for them. You should just accept that the same is true for hyper-competitive players. The game can work for both, and it already does.

I can’t imagine the entitled mindset that says, “This game is for me and only me, and screw everyone else.” Get a grip. If you can’t even simply exist in the same playerbase as a different kind of player without freaking out and throwing a tantrum, please just go play another game. Better yet, log off and go outside.


Maybe because he wasn’t actually good, people knew Nanoblade had actual counterplay besides that one time in June, and he basically needs to sit on Mercy or Ana as a crutch because he’s just not good in higher levels of play?

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