Balanced does not equal fun

  1. I literally said I’m not advocating for a revert.
  2. It’s called a metaphor. There are some things that are simply unenjoyable to have happen to you, in this case being a tank and facing a Brig.

NERF ANA! Omega lul click her hed 4hed Ana literally has no mobility otherthan walking and jumping.

I can accept this, but your one galati g flaw is that you can protect OP heros by calling them balanced. This is akin to the Brig players. They say she’s balanced, so then balance becomes irrelevant at that point.

Fun may be subjective, but facts and stats are objective, and brig having an inflated winrate is an objective fact, and one that needs to be toned down.

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fun is subjective

what you find unfun or fun can be the opposite for someone else. not everyone agree on something, if doomfist or tracer is balanced i could care less if someone finds them unfun to play againts

this game will be broken within days if they balanced based on fun


I’m getting tired but I’ll try to voice my thoughts:

If the devs didn’t care about balance then the game would be closer to its release state.

We’d have things like original Roadhog with the hook that broke time and space not to mention one shot combos. Mercy with invuln Rez. Release Doomfist. Launch Widow and McCree. D.Va with long Matrix duration and a whole lot of armor. 8 second Dragonblade Genji with triple jump. Unnerfed Junkrat. Unnerfed Ironclad Bastion. No Hero Limit in Quick Play and Comp. etc

Yeah some of those may have been “fun”,but balance in PvP games is important for a healthy state.


I’d argue the opposite for some of those. Roadhog wasn’t OP when he had his oneshot combo because of his pathetic ult and “shoot me” E. People didn’t find it FUN that he would hit them with such harsh CC so he got a mini-rework.

Mass Rez Mercy was primarily changed because “It was frustrating to play against” (Source - Overwatch 2 - Patch Notes). She had no real balance issues. She had strong, consistent heals, great mobility/survivability, and a powerful, quick-charging ultimate, balanced by her low damage contribution and lack of major utility or an E ability.

She was not OP. Her pickrates were high because:

  1. She had next to no competition in a healer pool of 4 (with only 1 other being a main healer)
  2. Ana was more skill-intensive
  3. Ana had been gutted in an effort to shut down triple tank (See 25% damage loss, 20% nade duration nerf, 50% nade healing boost nerf)

She was not a numbers problem of her own accord. She was merely unfun as her ult could instantaneously (and according to many, skilllessly) revive her entire team after a difficult teamwipe or ult combo.

I’d also argue that a large part of the Defense Matrix nerf to D.Va was because of the frustration caused by having ultimates eaten and 4 straight seconds of shooting into nothingness. Her pickrates in season 5 were just under Rein’s and Hog’s, and just barely above Winston’s. She wasn’t really unbalanced, she was just frustrating.

And I also want to clarify that I don’t want balance to be thrown out the window. I just think that heroes with solid numbers should still be looked at for reworks or changes if, despite they themselves being fun to play, they are immensely frustrating for the enemy team to have to deal with. One person’s fun should not trump six others.

I find it hard to believe that fighting a Doomfist is fun for anybody, even if he is balanced.

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You know you’re hero’s been overnerfed when people have forgotten how much they hate him.


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I often like to use the example of a hypothetical hero. Imagine Blizzard implemented a hero that could self destruct and kill both himself and an enemy hero. This would be the very definition of balance, but it would be terrible for the game.

I’ve always hated this mentality.

That said

I always tell people to play these heroes anyways though. Not “because they’re op”, but because often I feel they aren’t- and feel most players would benefit from having first hand experience and knowledge for playing as that hero.

It’s much easier to play AGAINST a hero when you know how to play AS that hero.

It’s hard not to notice that 99% of the time when someone complains about a hero- they have almost NO play time on that hero.

Many heroes who you find “unfun” to fight against become far less unfun when you know how to negate their kit and put them in the dirt.

I find this true for doomfist, Briggs, and even the likes of tracer and Genji back when they were the hot topic of debate some time ago.


fun is subjective. If people don’t find the hero fun anymore they should stop playing it, what i did with tracer. And i’m sure a lot of people find her super fun. Same applies to mercy.

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