Balanced does not equal fun

If every hero needs to be fun to play and also fun to play against, Overwatch will probably have about 5 heroes. Lets remove the rest so the game can be actually dead amirite

All I play are tanks and Sombra. I can play around the CC heroes with Sombra, but if I play a tank, it feels like the CC characters are lined up to juggle me if I touch the objective. That clip is like every game for me. Sometimes, I get lucky and get away because I got hit by 3 or 4 types of CC in under a second instead of getting chain stunned to death.

I have less fun with Ana in my match, Can we start a rally to get her nerfed so no one uses her so i can enjoy my games

Balanced certainly does not equal to fun, it always have been like that. However, people might not have considered balancing between power level, “fun”(it is actually not as subjective as people think in design terms), skill requirement, and a whole bunch of other stuff is actually not an easy task. Even a professional balancing team can have difficulties on it.

But some people equate winning to fun and so if the hero they play is OP they let it slide and tell others to git gud.

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I don’t enjoy fighting Tracer and Genji, therefore I am entitled to demand that they be changed because they don’t fit my concept of “fun to play against” - meaning they have to lose their mobility and escapes. My idea of “fun” is just as valid as yours and everyone else’s so you must comply with my demands. Kiss Tracer and Genji as we know them goodbye.

Am I doing this right?

You nailed it, OP. Mercy is one of the only heroes now who has NO hero moment in matches. Valkyrie is a glorified ‘escape the angry genji/lets push in’ button and that’s it :unamused:

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“unfun” basically means Meta or Meta-changing. And when you see something in a meta, you start to notice the character’s BS more.

I have never seen so many BS moves in a video game before, let alone moves to such a magnitude that would actually screw with the game’s selling points.

So until that gets fixed with 50 reworks, we will continue to have this debate that somehow continues beyond the game’s beta phase.

Sure, I agree. Balance does not equal fun. But if we start to balance around what people consider unfun, we would butcher every single hero in the game. Everyone has his own different hero that he dislikes.


Remember when doomfist had that over compensated hitbox, that was pretty fun right?

well for one person 5-6 other people suffered and didn’t have fun, why should one person have fun and others suffer?

You need balance otherwise that fun is going to be very short lived as people start dropping that couldn’t get to play as the fun character, you want nonsensical fun go to the custom browsers.


It’s weird. The first time I ever saw a thread like this was a thread saying Mass Rez should be nerfed.

but fun for one using an unbalanced hero is unfun for another and vice versa too.
both are incredibly important fun to use and play against is VERY HARD to get with balance right bc even if a hero is fun to fight and play against but it’s picked too much it changes too much of the game and can sadly make more of the game unfun

Jst the extreme example of what is the experience. Getting knocked around is very much the norm and spending half the match with no damn control over your hero
Ecause Doomfist and Brigitte who need reworks as they are unfun to deal with

If Mercy can get a cancerous reworks because the DPS found her unfun to play agains tthen Brigitte and Doomfist two heroes designed on nothing but taking control of a hero away can be reworked.

Remove everyone but soldier and remove all modes except deathmatch its fun and balanced

I only said Brig should be nerfed because her winrate (I believe 56%) is unnaturally high. I also NEVER said that Mercy needed buffs so you can put that claim back from wherever you found it. Brig can be fun to play, but since she very often sucks the fun out of the game for 6 enemy players, I think she’s unhealthy for the game. Mercy is often called dull or unrewarding to play, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone be happy that the enemy Mercy got a rez off.

I don’t think a character should be nerfed because they are unfun, but their game mechanics should seriously be reconsidered if they are blatantly frustrating to play against or as. A hero should be fun to play AND to play against.

Since your bringing up her winrate are you also advocating torb nerfs or just applying double standards

Also being fun to play and play against is impossible since dying isn’t fun

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fun is subjective…

mercy is still fun for me, symmetra is still fun for me.

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If we’d remove all heroes that aren’t fun to play against, non would be left…
That’s how the game is designed… that’s a big part of how games bring fun in the first place… by making you feel empowered.
Tho… perhaps Mercy would remain since all the fun around the character was taken from the player and given to the play-against-er

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Fun is subjective, that is true. But some things are very clearly leaning to the side of being not fun.

Stepping on a nail. Fun? No. Anyone you ask would say no. Just as almost any tank player you ask will say Brigitte is unfun to go up against.

I still enjoy Mercy’s basic kit. The mobility is fun because I love the swooping in and dodging people. But I remember the rush you got from Mass Rez, and that’s not there anymore, so she feels dull to me. New Rez feels sluggish and tedious, not to mention cheap to the other team. I’m not advocating for a revert, but if I were a dev, I’d give her another rework to make her have some sort of epic hero moment.

you need better arguments if you want mass rez back.
comparing physical pain to enjoyment of a videogame character is not rational.