Balance team is experimenting with globally BUFFING damage

Adding healers that heal for more than Mercy’s original 50hps a second is why the game has become what it is. I guess a global damage buff is one way to fix things, but the OG healers Mercy, Zen, and Lucio would definitely be left in the dust.

Ana started this by being able to pump close to 100 hps a sec or 200 hps a sec with original grenade healing buff. Then Moira with high output. Then Brig with high single target and beefier AE healing.

You cannot base the entire game around what smurfs will do. That’s silly.

Yes, because they’re atleast letting us test their patches through ExC and also they’re listening to community feedback about the changes.

Dive is dead because they put so many anti-dive abilities and heroes in the game. If you try running dive, the enemy team will pick a counter dive comp and absolutely shut you down. Counter dive > dive.

Who said they’re trying to?

ICYMI - my point was that, an (unintended?) side effect of this change would be that smurfing will be even more fun/appealing

Going to buttress this with adding that even if DPS players think they want this, I promise you they don’t. Because kill times that fast means that whomever notices and aims upon the other first, wins. Everything becomes a sniper duel with little to no recourse otherwise. So, about half of the DPS players will be okay by such a setup (the winning half). The other half in matches where their reflexes and aim aren’t on par with the enemy will quickly be voicing their concerns.


It’s already happening right now. I’m a tank main, but I can flex anything, and because the defensiveness of tanks are down, I don’t bother with tank space when figuring out when to attack as DPS – I time my attack to be simultaneous vis-a-vis my tanks.

Nope. Not how it works.

You can’t design a game purely on logic and theory-based thinking. Sometimes you experiment with something weird and it just works.

Uh, that is how it works. Pondering things is one thing. Thinking that a direction is legitimately healthy for the same is pure nonsense.

It’s like if lawmakers were considering raising penalties for every kind of offense, such that jaywalking carried mandatory jail time. That they would even consider it is a really bad sign and clear indication that they don’t have the people’s best interests at heart.

Oh, is that what they said?

Forgive me, I didn’t realise “I’m not sure how it will play out” meant “We already know that it’s going to be healthy for the game”
Definitely reckon I should brush up on my comprehension skills :roll_eyes:

I think they are in the middle of implementing the plan already. After this AMA, a lot of the recent changes for the past couple of months makes sense already.

Coupled with the changes Blizzard wants to reduce the defensiveness of tanks (announced in the same AMA), I think this means the winning teams in the game are those whose players can score the most eliminations at the longest range possible.

It doesn’t bode well for the health of the game, and if they seriously progress with this plan, I’d probably quit playing OW when that time comes. Not even bothering with OW2 if this is the game direction, which is a pity, since original OW was so good.


Jeff also made a comment saying he personally wants to see the game move towards more of an fps rather than a moba. The most recent patches showcase they’re doing exactly that, outright nerfing tanks an supports while buffing damage.

The problem with this is, what fps games do you know of have tanks and supports that feel good to play? They’re just more damage hero’s in other games with useless mechanics that really bring nothing to a team.

Oh great, more DPS catering, when will it end? Supports and tanks are getting STOMPED by these DPS buffs, and they want to make them more LETHAL? Great.

They feel better to play with a much higher player count per match in these certain situations, but 6v6 will never be good as a genuine FPS for supports or tanks unless they themselves become lethal as well.

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more carry potential yes yes. This game is boring AF as it is now.
fix the real problems first

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Was that in the AMA? Or somewhere else?

AMA. WyomingMyst did a wonderful job of listing everything for the forums to read.

Under Jeff Kaplan / Powercreep?

What are you general thoughts on the power creep discussion?

i think this is a good discussion. but i think a lot of the good points get lost in the echo chamber of the internet. i’ll see a good thread, video etc about power creep but then there is a lot of “group think” that happens and you have a bunch of people who think they are agreeing on something, when really they are not.

“power creep is bad!”… “btw buff roadhog, revert rein earthshatter nerf, buff pharah, you should TOTALLY be adding way more new heroes… and they all better do new cool stuff…” … “oh yeah and power creep is bad!”

personally, i prefer when the conversation is more focused. is time to kill to fast? do we feel like CC is too much? too much/little healing? and then apply all of these to individual heroes…

we’ve added 11 new heroes to the game since it launched. obviously, the game is going to change when you do that. we just need to evaluate each hero on their own and make adjustments.

my personal feeling is that i would like to see less barriers and cc and see the game trend slightly more in the fps direction than the moba direction

you do know dps is the least impact role right now if everyone is playing the role correctly

Yeah it is but I would still much rather see sustain toned down instead.

Besides I think they’re talking about buffing tank damage.

lol they completely lost the plot