Balance "adjustments" revealed

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Sigh…anyway… back to the manga…

God forbid Ana not be dominating ladder for once.


Remembers when Sym was there for a week.

They literally should just get rid of railguns headshot multiplier problem solved it’s a burst of damage that shouldn’t be multiplied the game doesn’t need another sniper


Honestly, I given up hope now.

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She’s out of the BP. Time to nerf her.

Is anyone surprised by this…?


My guesses:

Sojurn: slap on wrist fall off for railgun. Probably like 50% fall off after 30M.

Doomfist: Power Block now covers a wider area, allowing him to block for teammates better. Not a situation that will come up often.

Ana: sleep dart cooldown reduction. She’s too easy to dive, and this is her best option.

Bastion: Faster speed in tank mode.

Junker Queen: shorter cooldown on shout. They overdid the nerf.

Kiriko: slow down of ult generation. It comes up way more often than other support ults.

Mercy: fixes to GA systems. Maybe get rid of meter.

Symmetra: nerfs to damage all around.

My two cents. YMMV


Junkerqueen likely to be OP next, to follow the “pay to win” stuff.

Specially since the new mystic skin reveals targets with lightening bolts with ult use.


Make her less mobile so she’s easier for dps to kill her. Kiriko will lose her suzu’s invulnerability to make it easier for dps to get their precious potg plays, and Ana will lose her sleep because flankers don’t like being outplayed by supports.


Let’s not pretend that sleep dart isn’t being used on Tanks the majority of the time, especially now that there’s only one.

There’s a reason why basically every content creator worships the ground Ana walks upon and tells us every hero should be designed like Ana. Which, incidentally, is why I’m guessing this Ana change will probably be a buff.



Bastion buffs?

No Roadhog nerfs feels good, will disappoint some people I guess.

I mean she is sort of busted so I would expect her to be getting nerfed.


That’s definitely what I’m assuming is about to happen too :rofl:

Maybe some ult changes for him?

Most of the posts I see feel that she’s pretty balanced. It just feels a bit tone deaf. They just acknowledged that they understand that support generally feels pretty bad right now.

I mained Ana hard in OW1, she honestly doesn’t feel that great in OW2. It’s so easy to dive her.

Kiriko is the one support that I genuinely find fun to play, probably because she was designed for the shift to 5v5.


Oh boy I can’t wait for the Sojourn nerf to have zero impact and for us to wait another 2 months for the next slap on the wrist change.

She needs to completely lose the ability to crit with railgun outside of ult. It’s not complicated.


I don’t think they want to use black and white terms like that for characters (aside ‘nerf’ being a word based on another commercial toy product). At least, I wouldn’t if I were them. Like, I would nerf a hero but if that hero was in a position of being too strong then obviously I would want them to be in a fairer or balanced position in terms of usability and climb-ability (but everyone has opinions on ease of use and climb-ability). But I think the word nerf may come off to players as simply ‘a worse state’ and they come to the conclusion that it is thus unusable and discourages playing when its still a reasonable option statistically. Perception matters a lot. Some people want their favorite heroes to be clearly strong or in a lead of the pack, not just a playable option. No one would admit that but you can tell some mean that.

Likely just gonna give sym the charge off barrier mech back…

Which is pretty lazy, but not unexpected.

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I know this is petty, but please change the title to say balance instead of balence. It greatly annoys me :sweat_smile: (Sorry)

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