Balance "adjustments" revealed

What to expect for Season 2: Ramattra, Shambali Monastery, and the Battle for Olympus

Short to what really matters:

"Both metrics and player feedback have shown Sojourn dominating the highest tiers of Competitive ranks while remaining a challenge for players without the same mechanical skills. To address the high-skill feedback, we’ll be focusing on the lethality of her Rail Gun at distance for Season 2, encouraging players to make use of Sojourn’s high mobility to close the distance for the more devastating right-clicks.

Doomfist is receiving significant changes that better support his role as the team’s front line, while still maintaining the playstyle core to his Hero identity. You can also expect adjustments for Ana, Bastion, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Mercy, and Symmetra when we release this new update on December 6."

Again not surprised that it seems to be small changes again.


Ugh. Kiriko? Is she getting nerfed?

its to stop all the really bad kiriko players from playing her comp!!! El Jeffe has given us another gift from the beyond!

So I guess that means Sojourn is getting the tiniest slap on the wrist by getting some fall off on her one shot? Amazing

Oh and Kiriko nerfs… Yay… Wouldn’t be surprised if these are going to be Ana nerfs on top of that…


If I has to guess, they’re probably gonna nerf Kitsune Rush.


Not surprising…

They do this with every new hero.

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Were people complaining about Ana?


Lol it’s the Overwatch balance team. It’s dartboard balance, they’re just doing whatever they want


it’s more about supports in general.

Mercy is getting something changed. I wonder what that could be


I would not mind if the railgun falloff starts from 0m. I’m not joking.

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Welp, anyway, Devs said the word we dreaded…

Meaning nothing changed, the season repeating, blah blah blah.

Disappointed but not surprised.

Going back to reading my manga.

Guess Supports don’t matter this season. Maybe next season.

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Symmetra nerfs, I’m calling it.

They balance the game by only looking at winrates, and Symmetra’s winrate has always been (a bit) inflated.

Which one are you reading?


“I was reborn as a housekeeper in a parallel world.” (I need to laugh a bit.)

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ML7 was complaining about Ana, in regards to basically being powerless to deal with a 5sec Winston Leap, if his team isn’t hard peeling for him.

Since even a Slept Winston, will probably be right back up in a few seconds, and Ana’s 10sec sleepdart cooldown can’t keep up with a second 5sec Winston Leap.


Adjustments don’t mean nerfs.

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Cool, thanks.
I was searching for a new romance manga/manwha to read.

I think this is a better way to spend my time than playing the game.


But they won’t say the word nerfs will they.

Its not bad players, its a badly designed weapon… small projectile weapon thats entirely dependent on hitting crits…

Doesn’t matter how good you are, luck is always going to be a factor, and you cant do squat against anything that cant be crit like buildables and barriers

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I highly highly doubt it’s an Ana nerf. I rarely ever see her played