Anyone know what the background download for tomorrows patch is supposed to be? are we finally get a roadhog that feels good to play?
…Are you sure that tomorrow is a new patch day? We’ve got Ashe only 1 week ago and I’m 100% sure that they will not let PTR patch come live without her.
They might have turned on background downloader for this to preemptively deal with people on metered connections.
It is entirely possible that the balance changes could come out before Ashe. Just because we saw the PTR on the same build doesn’t mean they can’t push out other stuff. They’ve likely got a version just before 1.30.xx with all the changes, that doesn’t have Ashe. They probably just pushed 1.30.xx to the PTR knowing full well Blizzcon was the following week.
Is it likely? Probably not, I feel like we’re getting it all in one go and we’re not going to see the balance changes and Ashe until well after Thanksgiving.
Fine with me, I just want those hog changes.