Backfill should prioritize those who leave

I don’t normally post on forums because I don’t see a point in doing so, but this has been on my mind a lot.

I’ll start by saying, I, in general, really like the role queue change. I find I win more matches this way and I can spend more time worrying about who I play and less about who everyone else does. I play pretty much everything, so in general I like to queue as Tanks, Support, and Damage. The issue I have is that when I want to DPS, the queue takes anywhere from 4 to 7 minutes, and oftentimes I’m just put into backfill. 4 to 7 minutes to backfill a game for 20 seconds is discouraging and frustrating and makes me not want to queue as DPS at all.

So I had this thought. Those who leave should be the ones backfill sucks up and throws into late matches. If they keep leaving, maybe it’s time to suspend them. For how long? I don’t know. But having loyal players queue up just to see a Defeat screen after 5 minutes of waiting isn’t fun, fair, or worth their time. Not even for the backfill XP. I wouldn’t even mention this if it didn’t happen FREQUENTLY. Out of about 10 matches today I’ve queued for DPS as, 7 of them were backfill, the longest of which lasting 4 minutes.



Just let us opt out of backfill in game settings.

As soon as I get dropped into a game as backfill, I leave and queue dodge. It is never worth my time to stay.

Don’t want people to leave early in the first place? Then don’t play like you want to lose.

I play until the very end, regardless of outcome. In general, I play what the team needs. Losing doesn’t bother me. Being forced to lose bothers me.

Opting out of backfill in options won’t work simply because everyone will do it at that point, which will leave games with leavers in the dust waiting for someone to finally filter in. Maybe a double XP incentive for people that don’t opt out? Regardless, the game rules right now are far too lax to those who want to throw matches and leave. And I mean consistently, not rarely, or even infrequently. I had a teammate the other day who blatantly admitted, rather, BRAGGED, that he leaves matches within the first couple minutes, a dozen times a day. It didn’t matter pre-role queue. With the queue times being so long now, it is an issue.

I’ve been suggesting this for years. You’re gonna get the “I have the right to leave if I want” people that will flood this at some point and disagree.

The “I don’t have time to lose” people. If you have time to play this game at all, you have the time to win OR lose. I fully expect the only people to rag on this post are the ones who consistently leave. shrug

Backfill has always been a joke and more XP would either do nothing (as it’s still too low to matter) or cause more problems as people try and game the system to earn better rewards by back filling matches they leave or what ever.

No the biggest problem is as others have said. You wait several minutes to get into a match and then you get half a match at best. I have always said if you back filled the last match you should get priority que into your next match.

Basically if you back fill your moved to the top of the list for the next match, that way your time isn’t wasted as much?

Then no one would ever backfill…

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Just gotta say I pretty much never leave, even stuck around 1v6 as the rest of my entire team left just because I don’t want to be that guy that prevents the enemy team from getting any rewards.

That said OW isn’t a job, something some people seem to have forgotten in recent years with so much grinding and “rewards” tied into game progressing. It’s a game you are meant to have fun in. Sitting around for 5 minutes in spawn because your whole team left is not fun… for any one.

Playing with a team of complete throwers who are jumping off cliffs is no fun either. Sure you can report them, and maybe in a few days to a week Blizzard might ban them for a few days. It won’t save the match your are in though.

I have also thought about the “backfill list” idea - I’m not sure how they’d go about implementing that, but anything is better than how it is now. Queues are far too long now to risk queueing DPS just to backfill, even if it is “just quick play.” Not that we can really call it quick anymore, but yeah.

I like your idea. I personally refuse to backfill but other than leaving backfill queues, I do not leave games. The problem is not backfilled. The problem is leavers. If Blizzard decides to up the punishments or bans for leavers you will not need backfilled.

Hey there BT160523,

The post you replied to is over three months old from the last reply and chances are most users are not engaged in this discussion anymore. It is encouraged to avoid Necro-bumping old posts to make sure outdated topics do not come up. Instead it’s better to present any ideas you agree or disagree with in a new topic. Please see the Overwatch Posting Guidelines for details:

Hi WyomingMyst-1633

I am a 46 year old man that has no clue what Necro-Bumping is and to be honest I rarely post on these forums. I just responded because I agreed with the post.

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