Back in the day , lots of blue posts, lots of devs videos

“Overwatch, the most exciting eSport ever! Maybe if I keep saying it, it will be true”

Dinoflask Kaplan




I love those videos


I have to disagree with you here. They have been teasing us with nonsense like OW’s 3RD YEAR IS GOING TO BE BIG! I have been keeping an eye on this. Gamescon, nothing. Blizzcon, NOTHING?! I mean…when else can they tell us nothing and still make the year BIG . Year is a time period, not some neverending plane of existence.


I’m sorry but what are you disagreeing with me over? Not that it matters bc this isn’t a big deal to not agree on xD

Also maybe because I don’t hang onto every word or get hyped, but I haven’t heard of anything BIG mentioned for year 3… Can you show me where they have said this (you don’t have to link if you can’t)

maybe we would not whine as much if they heared us


Ok lets hard nerf every hero that players complain about shall we?

Its only fair like that after all!!!

Lets nerf every single hero to TRASH TIER BECAUSE A LOT OF CRYBABIES

If that kills the game faster then better


I honestly doubt that lol

It’s because people are desperate for content. With events recycling game-modes for almost a year and no new map in sight.

It’s clear where their focus is, on OWL.


Maybe bc everybody is a toxic crybaby that complains about everything?

i mean…i wouldnt be making the “Lets (Try) to fix” threads if i didnt find the game to be really bad


They dont talk with bc of ppl like u

That is not toxic that is just feedback.

Hiding because some people are mean IS quite sad though


Everytime they hear us we start complaining about not getting enough or about something else

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Yeah I can agree with that. This is why I don’t get hyped anymore. The crushing feeling of disappointment isnt fun.

And for the record, when I said whining I wasn’t trying to be negative to the people who do whine (I need to find a better word for it. I wouldn’t say complaining either bc I find that negative too…)

It’s fine to use your voice and it’s important to be heard, which is where I think blizz is lacking (they aren’t hearing people out, aka invalidating their thoughts on the game, thus the cycle is born.)

Do I think it would decrease overall?.. maybe but I just doubt it bc we are humans and we all tend to want to “whine”

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Come on now, you clearly have been on the OW forums for a long time. The forums are a cesspool of negativity and hatred. OW is an amazing game and players on the forums simply trash it all the time.

Talking about myself, i dont do that

Im like “hey thats good, now lets go on the next thing”

They weren’t always like this and there is a reason for it. Having 1 dev post per month doen’t make the things any better.



This, half the “toxicity” in this game is an extremely frustrated fanbase


Activision had to cut down costs as the billions they make isn’t good enough BOO HOO :sob:
Many developers have been quietly let go so little to no content.
All so they can pay that CFO guy 15million to come back.

100% facts here people!