Avoid list expansion: URGENT NEED

It is not possible to climb out of a rank, with random groups. Too many people troll, throw or go AFK. We really URGENTLY need avoid list expansion beyond 3 slots. I believe 50 slots would be perfect, willing to wait extra time to get quality matchups.

Please blizzard, allow us to decide who we avoid and for how long!


i thought there is " looking for group " for persons who are too good for regular group and thinks that if Dps don’t hit even a wall inside at house they are trolling ( or just maybe doing their best ).


You are not climbing because of your skill, not because there are only 3 avoid slots…

More than 3 avoid slots is just not needed luxury.


50 avoids? Maybe you should use the friend list feature instead.


Prob not i avoid 3 people and usually start seeing the same people super often for low ranks yes but people in diamond and masters no theres not enough lobbies


an unneeded luxury, but not a bad thing though. I think everyone’s gonna be happy if there are more avoid slots. U hardly ever see people arguing ‘Blizzard I need less avoids’


Yes because people usualy dont argue when they are happy about something.

We had more avoid slots in past, it was overused and abused, so removed.

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Not to mention people that don’t want or need that many slots don’t ask for them to be removed. They just don’t use them.

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when did we have more avoid slots???

Before they made it only 3 slots.

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how can you ‘abuse’ avoid slots, I dont get it

They aren’t referring to avoid slots. It has to be the “prefer player”-system that was in beta and very early retail. This was removed not long after and replaced with the avoid system.

The prefer player system was exploited - heavily.


Bro!! You have friends?! How do I get some of those?! Is that like a gold+ only thing?

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But everybody gonna wait because of you.
Wanna quality matches - play pro scrims.

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I got none lmao but I figured it’d still be more practical than 50 avoids :joy:

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Well you can’t avoid yourself so I think our homie (the OP) is gonna find themselves Always stuck with too few avoid slots :sweat_smile::joy:

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I can be your friend.

YAAAAY!! Thank you Love :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Its something that happened in 4k+, if you were avoided by enough people it would be impossible to get a game and your SR would inevitably decay because of it. it was being abused in this way, not sure how many other ways it was being abused.

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first of all theres no decay anymore.

secondly if ur being avoided by many players, perhaps its your own problem?

Dont see how this is ‘abuse’