Avoid limit too low

Literally all you accomplish by making the avoided teammate limit this low is punish people who play more. The more you play the more toxic people you will come across, while those who barely play will rarely ever run out of avoid slots.
Why does this company hate their players? You’re basically encouraging people not to play the game in fear of being matched with those who mistreated them again.


If your tolerance level for random players is too low, perhaps you could try forming or joining a group.

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I already play with friends pretty often, also although I don’t care about what people say since I can just block them it’s still pretty annoying having to play through lost matches because they decide to throw or straight up leave after being toxic.
Literally all I’m asking for is that you play the game, I wouldn’t say that that’s being intolerant.

I just want 5 man I’d be happy I swear

Overwatch had a peak of 35 million players.

Let’s take an unreasonably small number of the population, let’s say 1/7, and say that they throw exclusively.

Let’s assume that these players only play for one second each day.

Let’s also say that these throwers are split evenly amongst all ranks. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Grand Master.

1/7th of 35mill is 5mill.
5,000,000 players, across 7 ranks is 714,285 throwers per rank.
Each day has 86,400 seconds. There would be an average of 8.2671875 players exclusively throwing at any given second at your particular MMR.

Let’s assume you only play for 1 hour each day.
Over that time, there would 496 throwers that you could potentially be teamed with.

Now this is an entirely unrealistic scenario in the following ways.
A) there are more throwers than just one seventh.
B) throwers play for much longer than one second per day.
C) all else being equal throwers tend to skew towards lower ranks.

Three avoid slots are not enough by any stretch of the imagination.


1/7th of an entire player base exclusively throwing games is not by any stretch of the imagination an “unreasonably small” estimate.

In reality, I’d say it’s closer to 1/2 or 1/3.
1/7 is generous towards Blizzard.

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For real? It’s like MAAAAAYBE 1/100 for people actually throwing. Probably even 1/1000. And I feel like I’m being extremely generous in that estimate.

People just not playing as well or the way you want isn’t throwing.

  1. Queue times
  2. ‘Avoid’ slots are more for your ‘session’ and not ‘forever’ :wink:

Exclusively feeding and exclusively refusing to group up, is throwing, and that’s most players right there.

Nobody is legitimately trying to win, if they’ve died 3 times by the time the first team fight starts.

Exclusively waving to the enemy reaper as he kills you, instead of tanking, is throwing.

Watching an enemy kill their teammates, and litterally standing there only watching is throwing.

Letting your support die, pausing for a second, then spamming “I need healing” at their corpses while also being killed by the same enemy that killed them, is throwing.

Refusing to do anything other than spam dance emotes, is throwing.



Just... How???? Honestly?

It’s crazy how toxic the game has made people, that the avoid list being way too low is such a common complaint now. I never even bothered avoiding players in OW1, but now I wanna do it almost every match because the community has become such dog doodoo.


Being bad != throwing

Being bad != throwing

I strongly question how frequently these actually happen. I play almost exclusively arcade modes, which are even more casual than QP, and these things almost never happen.

Because I don’t equate bad players as throwers. They’re just people not pulling their weight. It happens, sometimes frequently.

But there is no way you can look me in the eye and say, with a straight face, that you believe 1 in 2 people who log in to Overwatch do so with the intention of exclusively throwing games. That’s just absurd.

How is deliberately getting yourself killed not throwing? Everyone knows that a 1V5 doesn’t* work, especially if it hasn’t worked the last 6 times in a row; especially when they don’t change their behavior.

Are they not in control of their actions when they go in by themselves again, and again, and again, and again, and again?

If they don’t EVER leave spawn how is that not throwing?!?!

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If your experiancing a lot of toxicity, theres a chance your provoking it on some level.

Its sad the players who regularly experience toxicity, are typically players who dont want to put any effort into learning the game. Then go into matches where their ignorance negativity impacts their 4 teammates. Is it fair to them to have to either carry or get weighed down by that player?

The alternative is. Your crying toxic every time someone points out your feeding or not carrying your weight…

The game only has a toxicity problem, because people expect others to suffer for their willful ignorance and/or due to people crying toxic when somone says something they dont like…

If your screaming “toxic” because someone pointed out your feeding… your just refusing to hold yourself accountable, and think crying “toxic” magically means your not feeding

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a) I think this is way high of an estimate of how many people are trolling exclusively. That would be more than one per game, and I’m not seeing anything like that in my games at least

b) how many avoid slots are you proposing? you have to also do the math for how this would impact matchmaking times… There are players I would love to have avoided forever, but I think people underestimate the impact even adding a few more, let alone unlimited slots, would have on queue times.

I guess it depends on what deliberate means. If you mean:
“They’re really bad and think they can 1v5 but keep getting killed” then my statement stands. That’s just a bad player - probably one who tunnel visioned or is playing the game like call of duty. Again, not throwing. Just bad.

if you mean “They intentionall ran into the entire team purposely to die make it a 4v5” then I group that in with my second scenario of “i dont really believe this is a frequent occurance.” People who throw to this degree this are extremely rare.

Bad players very rarely recognize their own mistakes or bad play.

Again, I dont believe this happens with high frequency unless you’re maybe playing exclusively bronze matches where you’re getting really high statistical clustering - e.g. these people are in bronze because they keep losing because they keep going afk.

Man I’m no professional at this game but I don’t think it’s my fault that someone peeks, gets one shotted then screams about heals in the chat
I don’t feed, I usually have the lowest deaths on my team even when we’re losing badly and I usually do better in stats than the enemy playing the same hero. This community is just unbelievably illogical, and I don’t understand why some people behave like that either

It makes me wonder just how tiny OW2’s actual player pool is if we need this many avoid slots…

I mean even a parrot would learn after the fifth time they die in the same way.

These players though, they don’t.

Next you’ll say that the people that put maywalls up in front of the team to block every single friendly ultimate, and trapping their support with the entire enemy team, aren’t throwing either?

They have already installed the blizzard launcher, installed Overwatch, and managed to match make into a game.

It suggests a certain level of intelligence that forgoes the inability to learn from your actions. How do they believe standing in front of the enemy team, stationary, will end up as anything other than a complete and immediate failure???

By that definition you could literally spend all match doing nothing but jumping off of a cliff so that you were dead 100% of the time and then still just be “playing poorly”.

When it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a duck, moves like a duck, sounds like a duck, feels like a duck, looks like a duck, has the DNA and the ancestry of a duck, why are you so convinced that it’s a 17th century Spanish Cutter?

At what point do you call a duck a duck?

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I think you put way too much faith in human intelligence - or at least too much faith that people play the game (or video games in general) as often as you do.

Never said that, but i do group that in with all the other “I dont believe this happens to you frequently” stuff. I’m sorry, but I really just don’t believe this. I’ve played across ranks from silver to GM and people just dont do this regularly. I’m pretty sure I have a greater chance of being hit by a car than seeing Meis that do this.

People who are not good at things often struggle to comprehend the rules and mistakes they make because it’s extremely overwhelming. What you see and interpret at a glance could be a monumental amount of information to them. I’ve played video games for over two decades and I have almost 1500 hours in Dota 2, but if you watch my gameplay you’d probably call me a thrower because even after that time, I find a lot of the game to be very overwhelming and my ability to micro my character and react appropriately in the heat of battle is abysmally bad. I’m not purposely trying to throw, I just make very bad decisions and struggle to execute correctly. However, I’m significantly better in FPS games.

When it’s an intention. The word throwing means to literally “throw the match” - meaning you intentionally are attempting to lose. People who are simply bad at the game and make really bad choices are not intentionally trying to lose.