Avoid hype and wait until Venture is balanced

Venture looks like an interesting original hero but I’m not waiting forever in long queue times on the off chance of being able to pick them. Remember Illari. She was the toast of the town. I didn’t play her either because everybody wanted her for themselves. They were two tapping everyone while yelling this is the best DPS in the game. She is not a support etc.”

Then she got heavily nerfed and the game radically changed. So I picked her up (there was no competition) and realised that she resembled the old Torb except with a healing turret that must not be destroyed. Protect the turret at all cost! Play her like this and she is very effective and a fine hero. Except never was she released like this. Nobody said “I like this new hero because I enjoy protecting my turret.” They just concentrated on the weapon and ult. So her launch was completely misleading. Venture’s may be the same. What they may become or how they will play we simply do not know yet.

nah… just wait until venture is on competitive and the enemy team decide to pick orisa, moira, sombra , zen and cassidy and dont let venture play the game xd