Hi, I’m from Australia, I’m in my 20’s, I’ve been soloquing for awhile and I’m looking to duo with a dps or tank. I’m a mercy main with over 800 hours, my movements are great I can ensure to keep you alive in battle.

(ONLY OCE PLAYERS, I will not play with NA players or EU players)

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Hi, I’m from Melbourne and I’ve added you. I’m mainly a tank player in gold with over 2000 hours in the game.

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what’s your battlenet? I’ve been looking for people to play with

i don’t see why age matters but i’m aus and pc (i don’t think platform matters as you can choose cross platform options?)

i won’t play NA aswell, because when aussie servers die we get a taste of NA servers and omg the ping is 300-400

i mean if the australia government wasn’t such cucks to waashington we could’ve gotten huaweis 5.5G (soon to be 6G) but instead we get expensive NBN that drops out alot

p.s i dabble in all roles