Attempt to bring back 2018 All Star skins for Genji and Tracer, please read

They should be exclusive but only to the event. So only available for a week but all of the skins.


It really isn’t a big deal at the end of the day. Let the kids have their prestige, I’ll keep my money and spend my time on better things, like stamp collecting.

I totally get you. But I dont think it would make much sense to release them again in 2019/future. The thing is, these were "prizes"for OWL 2018, and are even called OWL All Star Weekend 2018. It just wouldnt make sense for them to release something from 2018 in 2019. I get it, I really do. I kinda(kinda not anymore because of All Star 2019 Mercy) miss Pink Mercy as I wasnt too impressed with the skin in 2018. Now I think it looks a bit better, but still not great.

It also said “limited time only”…

Totally get your point, but few corrections:

  • “limited time”, not “limited time only” - a bit of a difference in these terms
  • we’ve seen other skins come available if there was enough hype and those came back in form of standart golden ones and as for 2018 we actually want to buy those for tokens

My dude, just buy the 2019 All-Star skins and keep going from there.

There is no XP boost bonus for having a complete set; even if you cannot obtain all of the “All-Star” skins, you can still obtain all of the Mercy skins and all of the Lucio skins.

I get the OCD-like nagging of seeing an incomplete collection, but do you really want to have NONE of the skins that you want? All-or-none is rarely advantageous of an attitude… or at least it shouldn’t be the hill to die on.

i have tracer skin so i dont want … :joy_cat:

That’s one option, but I’d rather not. Also, I’m not really fond of these new skins and hardly use either hero. That being said, I’d still get them just to have them in my inventory only if I don’t have any missing spots.

They are just making a precedent, as they know this keeps people watching their league. And those that don’t, now know that the mercy/lucio skins won’t be coming back either and they better pay.

Jeff plis.
PS: And so I have too few tokens.

Question, if those skins related to some teams by any chance?

I agree everyone should be able to have them.
BUT i think those that bought it also bc they knew its exclusive, need something else, not everyone has and not everyone can get.
Something exclusive and it kinda shouldn’t be just, yeah have a red recolor. :sweat_smile:
It should be on the same niveau!

I dont realy get this need for exclusive content in this game tbh. That make no sense, people anyway dont care if you have it skin or not its mostly person who buy it who care at all :man_shrugging:

I missed out on the season 1 top 500 icon and spray, can i re-earn it? Come on those sprays are animated and i didn’t had the time to grind to top 500.(sry these are the excuses i hear)

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What this spray for gameplay have to do with buyed stuff?

I get that, but here is my idea

I enter a tournament in say 2019, i win and get the 2019 trophy, however the 2018 trophy is slightly better. I cant win the 2018 one because I entered for the 2019 trophy.


Or in OW Terms
Say i got top 500 in Season 15, i get the Season 15 Hero Spray and Player Icon
I cant get a Season 14 or below Spray and Player Icon because I wasnt in Top 500 for those seasons

Both are exclusive to a limited time and a action within that time frame. :sweat_smile:

Btw i bought it knowing its limited time, so since I didn’t had the tokens I spend 10$
Now i knew this, i saved 400 token for lucio and mercy :slight_smile:

Ahhh, the classic “be responsible and plan ahead” strat… a technique not seen in these parts for some time :older_man:

They never mentioned anything at all in regards to them ever coming back. So unlike sombra’s demon hunter skin case, which was announced prior, this hasn’t been. So i don’t think it’s fair to expect it to return.

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Blizzard doesn’t want the customers they already have.