Attack Trobjorn and Gunslinger

From some articles i understood how the OW team is thinking how to make Torbjorn kit better on offense.

i think we should look how TF2 gave the Engineer more offensive potential with a weapon: Gunslinger. What this wrench, his Sentry is changed with a Mini-Sentry;

His normal Sentry can be leveled up to level 3 (the sentry between levels are changed very very similar to how it’s changed in OW).

Pros and Cons of the Mini-Sentry:


  • Can be only level 1
  • Has less HP
  • Has less damage
  • Has less range


  • Deploys much faster
  • Bigger fire-rate
  • Can trace people better
  • Requires less metal to be build (you need 125 metal to build a level 1 Sentry, but only 100 for a Mini-Sentry)

Video comparison:

I would like to see a similar take on Torbjorn for his upcoming rework. Do you think that similar changes to the Torb’s turret can make him better on offense?

What do you think?