It’s not coincidence, It’s you being purposefully ignorant and ignoring the signs in your face because you are either an idiot or don’t want to admit your hero is a cancer to overwatch.
Notice how dva got slightly nerfed, is still quite strong but the discussions around her have died down? It’s because people like the hero, she was just TOO strong.
Mauga being strong lasted a LITERAL WEEK and the feedback was so damn strong about how cancer the hero was, that blizzard immediately after ONE WEEK nerfed him into the ground and he’s been a bottom feeder ever since they realized no one likes the hero.
Roadhog was meta for again a short time after the rework and then guess what! People said “Hey blizzard, the rework did nothing, the hero is still cancer!” and shocker!
Again I ask. Stop being stupid to drive a point home. Admit you are wrong and move on. Fun is ABSOLUTELY a factor in why heroes get nerfed.
This just in:
Overwatch balance team makes stupid decision and quickly walks back on it when they realize their playerbase despises the hero being changed.
Just look at the feedback and reactions on people’s faces every patch when orisa gets microbuffed. People despise the hero and if she gets strong again she’ll quickly be punched right back down by the community.
Why do you think certain heroes are straight up never made meta or if they are meta, they are quickly dealt with? Because people despise the heroes on a fundamental level.
You keep saying this moronic statement as if spamming it makes it less moronic. No one is saying unique hero identities don’t need to exist. The problem is when those hero identities are unfun problematic designs that directly interfere with a majority of people’s enjoyment of the video game.
Literally EVERYTHING about soldier and ashe are different. The only thing similar is that they are hitscan, what in the blue hell are you talking about? Are you genuinely this unaware or uneducated about the game you are on the forums for?
This statement alone shows you need to go talk about a different video game. You don’t know the game you are speaking on, on its most basic level. Really? The only difference is semi auto vs automatic? LMFAOOOO