Hog’s (and other tanks like Mauga) problem is primarily Ana. They can’t fix hog to be not feast or famine until they sort out the abomination that is nade, and to a lesser degree, sleep.
Until nade is reworked, Hog cannot be balanced because he has to be playable to some degree when Ana is in every game that someone picks hog or mauga. If nade was fixed then hog and mauga could be properly balanced (nerfed probably) to be playable against different comps.
Ugh, I hated having Flankhogs as my co-tank. Guess I’ll go Sigma (again) and hope like heck that my Flankhog doesn’t miss his hook (again) when he eventually trundles over to the enemy backline.
It wasn’t even good if both tanks had a Flankhog because then it just felt like 132.
I feel that Hog’s problems run so deep that a format change won’t fix 'em.
Yea nah hog was awful in 6v6 too. The hero just sucks. When your tank hero is all about one shotting people you already have a problem but then on top of that, if he CAN’T one shot people consistently he’s instantly god awful?
There’s no middle ground with a hero design THAT terrible. He either can one shot consistently and he’s instantly completely busted or he can’t one shot consistently so then he’s a troll pick. It was the same thing in 6v6.
Ashe is Widow done right. And yes, JQ is a better designed Roadhog.
Instead of hook, there’s knife. Instead of Pig Pen, Axe. Instead of vape, shout and bleed. The shot gun is less powerful but has better range. It’s just him rethought.
He’s just bad design. He was bad design in overwatch 1 too. It’s not just an overwatch 2 issue for him.
Let’s just be a bit more honest here. Just say you prefer go against queen/ashe because it’s less punishable. It’s not about “better design”. Also, don’t even get me start on Ashe’s design. Her intentional design was literally mercy dependent oneshot.
Junker queen/Ashe have never been more popular than Hog/Widow in quickplay (where people play for fun). Better design with less popularity? What a joke.
I’m not sure of a great solution or what most hog players actually want for the character.
The one shot is obviously a point of contention and something Blizz wanted to try and address (hence the addition of the trap to try and make it more telegraphed/interactive in some manner), but without it where do you take him while still making Hog feel like Hog?
Well, that answer is obvious to me, that you put more of an emphasis on his hook so he excels more at displacing enemies by bringing them to your team (or pulling them off of your team). He problem with this is one we can actually kind of see with another tank: Ball.
No body likes being CC’d constantly. And while I consider something like knock backs a soft CC, Hog’s hook removes all ability to do anything once you’re hooked and is a hard CC. Most players hate ball, partly because he’s so different to play with (and many balls are bad) but also because of how much CC he brings.
Hog would be something that would probably bring less consistent but more punishing CC if they moved power into the hook. I think it would be a good direction to go in, but I know most people would hate getting hooked constantly. Imagine if Hog couldn’t 1 shot but had his hook on a charge system, so he could potentially back to back hook some poor soul.
They could try to move power into his breather, but I think they already tried that in an experimental update that never panned out. So I’m kind of at a loss as to what players want for the character.
“Roadhog is as old as time, we all know his tricks. I still get hooked. He’s obviously still broken”
Yes, let’s ignore how inconsistent the oneshot is now. Blame your deaths on someone else playing right.
My issue with him is that whether or not your positioning is good is entirely dependent on where Hog is. He decides that for you, and he pulls you out of it and then bursts you down.
If you can displace, you should not one shot or have an inescapable combo. That will always fundamentally suck to go against and will not be accepted by a lot of people.
Tanks should either have high sustain, high burst, or high CC. Not all 3.
Doomfist has burst and CC and eve he is barely palatable. Hog has sustain, too. The fact he has all 3 will always hold him back.
Players just want to walk where ever they please on a map and god forbid they get punished for it.
You guys just want free movement and time to correct your mistakes. They already dumbed down the game to the absolute dumbest it can be to play and still nobody is happy.
I think there are other important balance levers that should also be brought up. There are more that I think are also intregral to tanks beyond the three you mentioned. The biggest (IMO) is mobility as that’s also a measure of how they engage and try to mitigate damage in other indirect ways.
Hog has the biggest hit box, only raw health, no mobility, and he has to still be able to perform at a decent level while keeping hook (which I think nearly everyone agrees, is iconic to Hog).
That’s not me trying to argue he’s bad to be clear. But rather, I think it’s important to bring up why they have the one shot at all. He has to be threatening in some other manner due to the clear weaknesses he has. I don’t want him to have one shot and most other people don’t. So that power that keeps him functional should be moved elsewhere, shouldn’t it? If you move the power directly to his gun, that won’t solve the problem. His heal is something they tried before, but I’m open to them doing something there again. His trap I guess you could some more power there but that still leaves the whole one shot problem. And then you have his hook.
I think more of his power really should be in the hook. Remove the one shot, let him be focused on dishing out hard CC where he feels he needs to. Maybe he stays go at picking enemies while also having more meaningful potential as a tank in the ability to peel for teammates more reliably?
Wonder how hog players would feel about that though.
I don’t think so at all. The main reason why this is remotely interesting to me is because Blizz already tried to remove the one shot combo. I’m more curious about the direction Blizz wants to take the character in. I think he’s overall fairly balanced right now, but I do think discussing his design can still bring fruitful discussion.
Your perception of fun isn’t any more worthy of being catered to than anyone else’s. I enjoy playing him and playing against him.
I could also say I don’t enjoy playing against your main so that hero should be reworked to where you no longer enjoy playing them. Your desire to rework hog to where he isn’t fun for his mains anymore isn’t any more worthy of consideration than my desire to rework your hero to where he isn’t fun for you anymore.
This is a hero shooter. Heroes have unique and crazy abilities. If you want a truly balanced game where everyone has the same tools, and skill more so than matchup determines the outcome, play CoD.
You are in the minority. That’s my point. Most people despise him hence why he’s constantly being left as a bottom feeder tank because whenever he’s even remotely good the game becomes insufferable.
No. Because a majority of the community despises your hero, hence why he’s kept garbage tier permanently.
Roadhog being consistently kept in the bin because no one likes playing against him is the proof. If you don’t take that as proof, that is you being purposefully ignorant and disingenuous to which I say… Have fun talking to yourself.
No! The devs! The devs have seen the feedback on hog, orisa and mauga hence why those heroes are the bottom feeders of the tank role because no one enjoys even remotely playing against them, playing with them, or playing as them.
So you know the hook(or sniper) exists and can one shot(or combo) you, right?
And despite that you still walk somewhere where you are ready to eat one of those, and you die. But this isn’t your fault at all for doing the same thing expecting a different result? Just blame the thing killing you?
Are you with your team? Have you ever played support? Are you Genji diving, and getting hooked immediately after?
It sounds like you can make some changes here. Cause I main support, and snipers are a pain, but hog hasn’t been a huge threat unless we have a less mobile tank than him. Or you can just be mobile and ignore him.
No one is saying people don’t know the counterplay, the problem is the counterplay turns the game into a monotonous chore to play. Also the “just use cover lol” has always and will always be a moot point for snipers. You cannot permanently hide out of LoS from a widow. That is not how the game works.
And it’s the same thing with hog. The problem with hog is that the 20 meter area that you need to stay away from to stay safe from him IS him. So you’re spending most of the match playing 20 meter keep away with the hog or you risk getting deleted.
The heroes are poorly designed. One shots are cancer, especially a one shot tied to a tank and a one shot with zero risk happening at an uncontested range with widow.