Was that another C9 I just watched on the second point…that Reinhardt was attacking players instead of the point and the Widowmaker pick was…questionable?
Not exactly, a C9 is when a team fight was won but the team wins the team fight but fails to take control of the objective, which allows the other team to win the round due to the clock expiring. In this case the team fight failed to even start properly.
I’m late! How was the first map?
Surprisingly one-sided in favor of the Glads.
Good news to Gladiators!
Who was in for Atlanta map 1? Dogman or Kodak?
WTF is Atlanta doing?
Gladiators coming out with rather sharp fangs tonight!
Altanta getting a bit ran over.
That’s the thing if Roar can survive the first encounter (which he hasn’t been) the Gladiators are pretty solid.
Agreed, which just makes it weirder that a loss today would mean the first 2 teams eliminated from Stage playoffs officially were the 2 LA sides
This is looking like if Atlanta complete it will be in OT
just off topic what do you think of talon this year in contenders?
FYI, dev post alert:
I haven’t had a chance to catch one of their games yet this season, but their recruitment looks very good. Really rate oPuTo. I see they won earlier today against Cyclone Coupling, so I’ll watch that VOD tomorrow when I wake up.
Man, the Gladiators are really crushing it today. It must feel pretty good to be 2 - 0 against the Reign right now.
Yes, but I guarantee you the Reign are gonna come out of that locker room angrier than that cat I’m fostering, whose codename is “Psychohosbeast”…
Dive v Bunker on Anubis? What is this? A throwback episode?