Atlanta Reign vs. Boston Uprising - FINAL

I believe Astro subbing in also means that Pine and Nevix are the only 2 yet to play this year

dogman tactical crouching colourhex on kings row and then colourhex getting the revenge tactical crouch just now…its equality

If only all OWL matches are as fun as this game on Junkertown lmao. I love all the tactical crouchings and Gator’s crouching fail lol.

Gator and Frd are horsing around. I say they earned it.

Also, will the next match be the match where we see Pine take the stage…it’s the last opportunity to do so.

did someone clip gator’s crouching fail? i missed it

Technically not the last opportunity, but the last opportunity where there is no risk.

Not crouching, sorry. He emoted on Blase’s dead body, if I’m not mistaken? And Colourhex headshot him twice to kill him.

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i guess somebody clipped it, it should be in overwatch related clips… if not, you can always find this moment in VOD after transmision ends

You know there is one thing I have been curious about. Tournament game clients run off a separate account from that of the live account. I wonder if they have access to all available emotes, voice lines, and sprays or if there has to be some import from the live account. The tournament LAN clients don’t log into BattleNet at all.

propably yes… why not?

Am I the only one who thinks Reign’s goofing around as being petty? And it seems like they’re solo-ulting and using all their cooldowns on Colourhex.

they know colourhex is the only real threat from boston

Don’t watch map 4 of the Stage 2 Shock Valiant match then…

If only Colourhex is on a slightly better and decent team.

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Final Score


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hmm we’ll be getting a rematch between babybay and his former team…im hype

I mean, spawncamping happens, at least, they weren’t specifically targeting one player and tactical crouching all the time.

Well, good thing Valiant has a chance at a revenge tonight. :wink: (And my profile pic clearly says whose side I’m on lol)