At this rate all DPS will be 250+ hp

You might as well just get it done with.

Someway somehow 250 effective hp will be reached with all heroes somehow.

Could have just lowered the damage but…ok

Literally one hero got an increase in hp. Relax.


After extrapolating from one data point I’ve also concluded that every hero in the game will soon get an extra 50HP.


This time. Obviously im talking about the future. And this isn’t the first time HP was changed on a hero due to odd balances.

Except Sym because lmao Sym.

Torbjorn did as well and Symmetra mains are out in full force demanding the change. It is potentially a problem moving forward.

Sym needs it as a close range hero. The range she is supposed to be at and the amount of time she is supposed to be at that range make her much more vulnerable to being oneshot that Mccree who borders into being a sniper every time they buff his primary. Remember when Sym had a personal deployable shield and a possible 275 HP and still was considered extremely vulnerable? yeah.

We dont need 250hp Soldier or Widow or worse, Hanzo.

One that doesn’t need it thou

So you wanted the hero with the lowest win rate in GM to only get a nerf with no buff.

Pretty interesting logic.

Im not a sym main, but like, can you blaim them. The amount of abuse and hate theyve recieved from day 1. SHOCKING

No, 20 meters is not sniping range. If it was, heck, that is about the effective range of her massive spirit bomb sized orbs.

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Give it 6-8 months (because they are slow at updates). I bet they will have upped someone else’s HP. Watch.

Honestly those both make sense. Torb has one of the most unfortunate hitboxes in the game (right up there with dva) and sym is a close range no mobility or defensive option hero.

I know people get worried about powercreep but this sounds pretty benign to me.

nah, sombra and symm will have 150 XD, blizz hates them

actually! before these shield changes i wonder how the DPS roster would do with a 50 hp increase, how would they affect the game as a whole…

except sym because ITS SYMMETRA HAHAHAHA :laughing:

I am not too concerned about it either. But you never know. Once they give it to Sym, Pharah mains will demand it. I have already seen half a dozen “muh realism” posts because they are jelly too.

Delayed charged slow proyectile vs hitscan, thats a big difference. Sym’s orbs arent a long range weapon and never have been, they are actually a close range weapon and spamming them into chokes is just feeding healer ult charge.

In fact against anything smaller that a tank, Orbs are a much better close range damage source that ‘‘you will die before it gets to good damage’’ beam.

Thats why I said if its buffed.

Disagree, neither Sym nor McCree need 250hp.

I don’t know about that but the justification to give McCree 250hp is shady at best…

Wait… You think they will buff McCree after this? I would be utterly shocked. Half the community is in shambles about how OP one of the lowest WR heroes is despite potentially recieving a net nerf.