Just a little more devs…
That’s actually pretty good. Not enough to choose her over Lucio most times but a really nice QoL change.
Nice, great change that really puts some polish on the rework.
Plus they fix the rally and inspire bugs.
Also who knows if the PTR will have multi patches throughout the week. We could get more buffs and nerfs for certain heroes.
Also Brig can whipshot Sigma through his KineticGrasp now.
And the meta is gonna be a lot less about Barrier spam.
She needs substantial buffs and she needs them now. Every aspect of her kit is undertuned.
Yeah. Brigitte can have some moments in PTR patch for sure, but she’s still gonna be lacking against dive. I mean a Bap can work to save her from getting dive on, but I would like a shield bash buff that reduces the cooldown. Just so I can either choose to bash enemy or just have some more mobility.