Asking me to log in

Why does the game do this if I lose connection, either while booting up or playing the game?
There’s absolutely no reason for it to do this. It should just reattempt connection either automatically or at the press of a button, the login is just a time waster.

Well if you lose connection your login information is lost and the game can’t just login onto your account by using nothing. Blizzard doesn’t save your password in the client itself only in And the only way to retrieve the login information is by starting up your overwatch from the client.

This is also not a bug use the appropiate forum for this like general discussion.

No, it really is a bug.
It doesn’t ever ask for my login info if my internet is working fine, the login process is completely automatic. And yet, that automatic login becomes manual if I lose connection, for absolutely no reason.

And it is still not a bug. When you lose your connection it ALWAYS loses your credentials on the login screen. It is working the way it is intended to work. Your login credentials are only saved for Battlenet as you were already told.

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whenever it asks me to log in it leaves the log in button blank, making it a still useless screen

Bug, mistake, it needs to be fixed whatever you call it.
There’s literally no reason not to fix it since it’s an incredibly annoying thing that helps no one, what any sensible programmer would do is either:
A) Retain login details
B) Attempt to fetch login details from Battle dot net app again

It is not a mistake nor do I believe it should be “fixed”. The client itself doesn’t hold any of the login information and doesn’t nor should fetch it either on disconnection. Seriously, how often does one even disconnect for something like that to be even needed? If you disconnect that often, you may want to try to troubleshoot your connection.

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for me it’s really just a nuisance since i play on 2 accounts