Asking for orisa and sigma nerfs

You dress up your argument as balance and straight up lie about Orisa’s versatility. Then it all comes out you want to be pro, but don’t want to play Orisa so your answer is to come here asking for nerfs for her.

It’s absurd. You wonder why so few people here have any respect for high ranked players?

Yeah dude, only if I was in bronze like you would I understand how op those 2 are. Moving at 1mph with barriers which have the durability of masking tape? Unacceptable, nerf them into the earth’s core.

Incidentally, would a 600 barrier every 5.5sec be more fun than a 900 barrier every 8sec?

Shorter cooldowns mean more dynamic play generally I think.

Yeah, the flipside is that it’s a direct nerf to “slap down a barrier, wait then slap down another one”

For that initial two barriers, the stronger the barrierHP, the better.

i.e. a 1350 barrier every 12 sec

Depends, Orisa’s problem is that she just gets rushed, so you lose a lot of value very quickly on high health, long-cooldown barriers because you’re forced to move while your static barrier is doing nothing.

Well, it should be an interesting mechanic to work with. Could combo that with this idea.
Where Orisa basically becomes a barrier.

Since that stand in one position while firing is kind of the annoying part.

Let’s imagine they do:


  • Fortify : 4sec duration, 20% damage resistance, 10% movement speed buff, no slowdown while attacking, immune to headshots, can bodyblock ults and piercing attacks, does not feed ult charge.
    • Dark blue outline around her HP/Armor to signify no ultcharge feeding
  • Halt : Does not Slow enemies
  • Barrier : 600hp, on an 6sec cooldown
  • Primary Fire : Projectile speed increased 20%.
  • Passive: Gallop: After walking forward for 1sec without using abilities or attacks, Gain 5% movement speed for each of the next 4seconds, for a maximum movement speed increase of 20%, canceled when using abilities or attacks
    • Would be even better if they could change her run-cycle animation to be a gallop.

Now that would be a lot more dynamic Orisa.

Did you even read the whole thing?


I freakin hate playing against Orisa or Sigma but even I admit that if you Nerf them more they’ll be straight up useless/garbage, nobody will play them and even less player will play the tank role.

We only need a “only 1 barrier tank maximum/team”. That’s all, that would solve it.

buddy… you are literally plat yourself

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Least number of people but tons of crutching Orisa, Sigma. Rein Sigma comps in top 500.

I dont rly think he is op rn tbh

Beeing high on pickrate doesnt mean the hero needs a nerf, like for example rein is pretty ok despitr beeing meta for months

Its just that as long as dive tanks are weak, double barrier will continue

Or any counters at all, including W. Orisa’s a perfect tank for a DPS main - a trash-tier target with an almost non-existent barrier with no uptime.

no, they are very fine, orisa shield just needs a buff, sigma shield is fine rn

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Too late after giving those nerf recommendations.

Sigma needs all his abilities to be even, a weak shield builds a reliance on grasp and vice versa.
His range is necessary considering that he’s not a character that does well up close, his splash can interrupt shield regen and it’s generally a bad idea to attack when you have 2 defensive abilities.

Orissa’s is the same. Fortify stops her from being melted when her barrier breaks and halt prevents the enemies from rushing her down.
If you nerf halt you would need to buff her barrier or fortify which I already know won’t go over well.

I’m masters. You on the other hand are a famous Mercy 1 trick aka a true plat.

You have an open profile… literally plat. “bUt thAt’S mY smUrF”, then maybe post on your main account?
I am masters as well buddy and maining a character does not equal one tricking.

you are masters due to an elo inflator aka plat.

due to a what now?
Last season Mercy was literally my 6th most played character.
I have been in masters since season 5 bud, doubt it is luck at this point