Ashes hat grows

no questions asked.
different angle

just a weird glitch i found.


Wtf is that thing :fearful::scream::skull_and_crossbones:

I’m getting some real pilgrim vibes here. “Howdy pilgrim.”

If it somehow makes her head hitbox bigger we can repurpose this as the new Mccree nerf

We made Ashe’s hat match the hitbox.

The hitbox:

did this happen in the replay mode? i’ve noticed weird glitches like that with all heroes when i go back and watch replays, especially in slow motion. also console or pc?

I was really hopeful that this would be a balance change suggestion saying that the more kills Ashe gets the bigger her hat gets.

Really good Ashes would get the most enormous hats, obscuring vision, throwing both teams into blinded chaos. It would become a competition over who could get the biggest hat.

Heck, give this to all of the DPS with hats.


pc and yes this was in reply, i just thought i looked funny so it decided to share.

I would no joke want this as an arcade mode.


hats off to you for finding this

I’m sorry


Don’t be. I mean, I’m not the person you’re addressing, but still. Don’t be sorry.

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no I should be the one apologizing, I actually laughed at this and that alone is a sin.


Ashe and Widowmaker once dueled.

Ashe was victorious, so she took Widowmaker’s butt as a trophy and made it into a hat.


Is this the same hat that she wears in the game or does she keep it as a trophy of sorts?

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Of course it’s her in-game hat.

She wears it all the time to remind Widow of what she lost that day.

Widow misses closing doors with her hips, but consoles herself that now Ashe has a much bigger head hitbox…

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I have never laughed so hard in my life.

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I’m never going to see Ashe in the same way again.


went to go and find some videos relating to overwatch replay slow motion glitches but found this video instead. the infamouse emote swap bug that induces all sorts of wierdness and not in the replay (never seen this ever ingame, wish i did)

yea I know sadly it was removed, despite it being a harmless bug.

The wrecking ball one looks like a demented, furry McCree.