Ashe scoped sensitivity

Can someone help me with Ashe? I started playing her yesterday with good results, I was actualy suprised, but I dont know how much scoped sensitivity I should have? Right now its at 52. Is there some kind of calculation how to adjust it, the exact best number?

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use 51.47 it is relative to widow’s 37.89 whitch are both the best in terms of flicking.


I prefer 63.89 relative zoom on Ashe. I use 4.5 sensitivity @800 dpi.

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Everyone may have a best scoped sens, but 51.47 is the closest relative 1:1 to unscoped therefore the “default best”


It doesn’t really work like that, there’s a few very long and detailed reddit posts about it and why there’s no real exact 1:1 sense in OW and how the concept of 1:1 between different FoVs in a 2d picture is a flawed way of thinking.

The reality of it all is that your muscle memory is pretty smart and switch immediately when you change method of aiming. Now for many something close to 1:1 will feel “the best” but again it’s very individual because most of the best players in the world when it comes to playing sniper in OW don’t run 37ish on ana/widow or 51ish with ashe. Some like Linkzr use between 30-35 with widow and others like ml7 use around 50 with ana.

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It’s not because it’s the best at flicking, it’s just what 1:1 is

Also, Ana should also be 37.89 with Widow.


[Ashe main since AI-days here] Don’t believe what you might read on some sites - her scope is the same sensitivity as Widow or Ana so if you have a sensitivity that you like with either of them - I’d say do the same. I used to think it was different but then watched a video that proved it wasn’t and switched. Ever since has been much better for me.
here’s the vid proof
personally i have 800dpi, a biiiig mouse pad and I use 4.5 unscoped and 30 scoped for all my heroes


Your sens doesn’t seem that low, not enough to bring attention to your mouse space anyway.
I personally use 3k edpi and could afford to go lower if I had the mouse space.

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It is because it is best for flicking though. It is the closest you can get to 1:1 for medium flicks. You can’t get 1:1 to the edge of your screen because of the fact it changes the fov. You are still turning on the axis of where the character is, not where the scope zooms too.


And 1:1 isn’t necessary the best thing trying to achieve to begin with. That’s kind of the point, like even if you could achieve a perfect 1:1 many people would still prefer playing with an offset ratio due to how the game is percieved on various FoVs.

1:1 is just a good place start and for many it will be a good setting overall but claiming that it would be the best is just ridiculous, if that was the case you’d see most pros with the same setting yet many of the best snipers in the world (not only in OW but in other games like CS too) prefer a completly different relative zoom and there’s several reasons.

Many people simply prefer a horizontal 1:1 to begin with, others simply can’t handle having one sense trying to emulate the other in different FoVs as it messes with the perception.
We also have all those who play on either the lower and higher scale of the eDPI spectrum by default and using a 1:1 with different FoVs in such scenario can make it feel way too slow or way too fast.

TL;DR - It comes down to personal preference, many prefer an offset relative zoom on widow for the same reason they don’t use the same sensitivty on all heroes as “forcing consistency” can make some heroes completly uncomfortable or unplayable even if you do.

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nah it does. even with a foots-worth of mouse pad, I still run into my keyboard occasionally (when playing tracer and having to turn my camera 180 a lot). Not so much when i play ana or widow tho. Sometimes when i play Ashe if I’m tunnel visioning and trying to get that last kill

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Yeah of course, but still, for someone starting the closest 1:1 ratio possible is the best, even better if they use their natural sens, they can change it later to what they feel, but that’s something that must come from you and your expertize and not from the forums

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true, i made a massive generalisation. i personally want as close to 1:1 screen space distance as i can get. its not possible to get a legit 1:1 because the fov is different but 51.47 is as close as one can get with ashe.


I would like to thank all of you for good tips, i certainly have enough material to think about it :smiley:

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Thanks I like Ana and Ashe I will try your way.

thanks ǂĸůsůrıǂ you helped me a lot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks! I could tell the difference immediately. Just felt so much better.

Maybe I’m gone mad from OW rage but always found Ashe had like a slight drag on her scope so had to put it higher than widow and Ana. So it feels about right. No one else have that?