Ashe is right around the corner, you Brig-haters NEED to STOP!

Team composition’s can counter brig along with her team.

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Winston’s lab doesn’t have OWWC 2018 finals data yet.

Custom query link

They’ve always been a little slow since most of the data collection is by volunteers, and their founder is joining one of the teams IIRC so things are extra slow atm.

Maybe this will clear things up.
The hatred for Brigitte will not stop.

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You don’t even see yourself how silly that is.

It’s the same concept as any unfun character in a video game. No one is going to enjoy not being able to get past a boss that is giving them a hard time. Brigitte is just the Dragon boss from Cuphead. She can stop the hate if she is reworked from her current kit.

Personal bias against a char, which does not give you the right to want a hero deleted and ruin the game for other people. The majority finds her balanced, many like her and play her. Live with it.

How do we know that the “majority” finds her balanced? Can we get some numbers on that?
Regardless, I think that she is balanced. It’s just that she is not fun in any form. In a videogame.
I don’t want to delete her but I want to see her changed so that it is an even matchup between her and heroes that she is supposed to have an even matchup with but doesn’t, changed so that the heroes she counter can play around her when she has to do so little to wreak havoc as a support character.

I dont think you understand, yeah there are ways to take her down but I think you just dont get the problem she is causing. She is a healer as she can heal pretty well… but she is also a DPS as she can one v one any of the games DPS and win, and she can tank to a degree as well. You make a jack of all trades hero and then make her good at 2 out of 3 of those. Like unless you are a reaper main like me, why would you pick reaper over Brig? Lots of tanks? NOPE because chances are lots of tanks -> enemy brig -> reaper dead. Squishy supports? Brig can deal with them, need damage to shield, both brig and reaper are not picks for that. Reaper is THE duelist in this game and brig can beat all the heros he duels, and beat him, thats the problem, the hero is making other roles useless

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What game are you talking about?

Casual? What’s wrong with Quickplay?

I don’t know. That’s not my problem, either.
But then I don’t hate her. Not even before starting to play her. I don’t dislike any heroes, to be honest.
What DOES get on my nerves is when people who play a counter to a hero won’t handle said hero anyway. I can’t count how many times I have had to go after Widow, Hanzo or Phara as Moira because people just ignore them. Because I am the healer, so I am the priority target, and such they don’t care because they are not being shot at.

Again, why are you here?
To just hang around to show your dislike only makes you look like you don’t have a life.

That they play at the tier they belong? Like me in Bronze?

It’s that way in all sports. Just because Champion’s League exists doesn’t mean the local Plumber’s Union plays the local Police Union on saturdays. You don’t tell them “you are not pros, so you can’t play soccer”.

You are either trolling, very very ignorant or lying.

You just described Hanzo and flash news, he is not particularly known for hard countering Briggitte, he and Ashe will work OK at best. I wonder where this “Ashe hard counters Brig” myth originated from, must be echoing from whatever a random youtuber said.

He kills her fairly easily.

Sure, if you ignore the bit about her dynamite or AOE crowd control ult.

Dynamite is not as big of a deal as some people make it to be, it only damages for 75 hp and then a 100 Dot, brig can easily deny both of those with a single armor pack and her passive healing (not to mention dynamite can be easily blocked by her shield without much concern), the thing with dynamite is if the enemy has 2 healers they WILL live.

Storm arrows on the other hand are able to deal 233 dmg in a single second, 420 with the 6 arrows and 840 if he crits… and this ability is miles away more consistent, easier to land and precise than Dynamite

If only hanzo had 2 huge ducking dragons that punished people grouping up… thing is even with Hanzo completely out classing Ashe in the burst damage department hes not used in the Goat meta, he is not used as a brig counter, what makes you think Ashe will be any different ?

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I was talking about pharah and junkrat.

Rein is DEFINITELY not a counter to brig though, in a 1v1 situation, sure he does more damage, however with all the stuns and knockback I would definitely say rein doesn’t counter brig. If the team has enough focus fire one shield bash can literally kill the rein because it’s a pretty long stun, would have to be coordinated though.

Same for doom, except for doom i’d say that actually BRIG counters doom, the only thing is that rocket punch goes through shield, doesn’t matter though since it won’t kill the brig(245dmg). Anyways the point is that with brig around doom can’t perform his combo’s (slam uppercut) and if he does it on another target brig can repair them or whip them away

I also wouldn’t say hanzo is a counter to brig, because a fully charged hs won’t kill her and she can just put her barrier back up, if he uses storm arrows on her shield it won’t die, and if it dies the cooldown is shorter than storm arrow.

your right though sombra is a good counter to brig, HOWEVER…
Needs coordination, sombra can’t kill a brig on her own, self heal + armor is too much for sombra.

I would also say that only new torbs ultimate counters brig. I don’t think the rest of his kit exactly counters her.

You do know that arguing that X can’t be a counter to Y because the enemy team can kill X isn’t an argument, right?