Ashe aim training 101

I recently picked up Ashe and would absolutely love to aim train with her , however I don’t know where in aim hero or aim labs to do that for ash specific

Anyone recommend something I could use to aim train with Ashe

Practicing in real matches is going to be better. Sorry for the boring answer, but it is the truth. Don’t waste your time.

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Agree with this. Aim trainers are next to worthless, IMVHO.

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I’m not sure if there is anything specific for Ashe. You could just use the import code ‘VAXTA’ as a general warm up.

The only thing I can say is that Ashe kind of has a shooting rhythm of her own that you’ll get used to as you play. Oh, and the headshot → hip shot thing is still useful against Tracer and Sombra, so you should practice that.

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Agree. Good as a general warmup. I think wrist/hand stretches and rolling out your forearms is probably more beneficial long-term, though :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just aim train in custom match aimlabs.

Then go to quickplay and Ashe it out.

People who say aim training is worthless is weird. Like, every good DPS ever used aim training labs.


In aim lapse, however how do I adjust it to ashes sensitivity since scoped in is a different type of sensitivity also, I’ve never used aim labs. I don’t know if that’s an option.

VAXTA. Works for everyone

Aim lab lets you match your sensitivity to whatever game you’re training for, look in the settings for aim lab.

Also, there are ‘sensitivity converters’ you can search that will match the sensitivity from one game to another.

I’ve around 600+ hours in aim lab, it works if you do it right. If it’s not working, reconsider how you’re practicing and make sure you’re not just going through the motions and are instead playing with improvement in mind.

Remember, you’re not simply ‘warming up’, you’re training to get better.

Workshop codes VAXTA (for warmup) and A9FBX (If you wanna feel like your aim is really bad and you are a bad player (dodge Ai is way better than vaxta) ) Work well

Also how do you even calculate relative zoom while scoped accuracy ? My DPI is 800 with a sense of 4.25 I know there’s E DPI 800X4.25

But how does scoped aim work ?

Mine in game is 60 does that mean it’s 60 percent of 4.25 since that’s in game sense and it would be 0.070?

I don’t understand how the math is to make sure I’m practicing on my exact sensitivity for in game while scoped

Right. Waste someone else’s.

Ashe you're 2-12 for the love of god swap
Ashe swap NOW

Ashe: :sunglasses:


I use VAXTA. In case you don’t know what that is, it’s the OW Custom Games → Import the Code: VAXTA

But imo, this is the best aim training for Ashe because nothing replaces practicing actually headshotting real OW heroes. Aim trainers outside of OW just don’t give you the same value as actually practicing shooting at each hero’s unique head hitbox.

I also have several modified version of VAXTA that I created and then saved in my Custom Games area… Like I have a VAXTA but with HS Only turned on so that only headshots land. And I also have several VAXTA but on a different map (Expanse and Night Expanse, which are both good for training with Widow because you can get farther away to practice at range).

What’s cool about VAXTA is that you increase in levels by killing enemies faster… So it forces you to close kills and in succession at a fast pace, which is ideal. Personally, I turn the option “You Can Die” to Off, because otherwise you’ll die while you’re trying to aim train, which is annoying. With it off, you have Tires, Firestrikes, Rocks thrown at you the whole time you are aim training, but they don’t actually kill you, so it’s perfect… They are still distracting, which is a good thing, but you don’t die and can keep training.

The higher the level you go, the faster and more difficult the enemy movement becomes… I start at Level 5 to warm up and once I get to about Level 12-13, the movement starts getting more difficult… I usually keep going until I get to like Level 15-17 and then feel ready to play… It’s my everyday warmup and helps me a lot.

I’m not a great OW player, but I will say that the one thing I can do well and aim with Ashe… I rarely encounter Ashe players that out-aim me (even though I know there are a ton of them out there that could), but it’s bc I practice w Ashe in VAXTA a lot.

This by far has been so helpful I did it and loved it !! The headshots only with Ashe do you think it’s to hard by chance ? I did 15 minutes today and felt super good

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Aw man, I’m really glad to hear it. Yeah, I used to use the HS Only version only for about a year… Now I just use the regular version but I pay attention to my Crit rate stat and try to keep it above 50% when using VAXTA, because that way, you can still close kills without headshotting… and level up to higher levels faster, which is good bc you want to get the enemy bots movement to be more difficult. Using HS Only does make it hard to level up to higher levels, so I prefer using it without HS Only for that reason also…

(For Widow though, I ALWAYS use my HS Only version of VAXTA to practice and I do it on the Expanse and Night Expanse maps for the extra range… and with Widow, you’ll still level up really fast with HS Only turned on.)

Also, in today’s meta, with Ashe, it’s more and more important to close kills really quickly because healing is so plentiful. So it’s important to practice these things with Ashe:

a) Toss your Dynamite while moving in all directions and still shoot it… So in other words, not tossing, standing still and shooting it, but tossing it and shooting it no matter what. Standing still not only obviously makes you an easy target yourself, but it’s also a dead giveaway that you’re about to shoot a dynamite… (Players don’t even realize they know this, they know it subconsciously… like ppl will tell you they don’t pay attention to whether Ashe is standing still to shoot a dynamite, but they do and just don’t even realize it consciously… if you stand still, they will know/react to run from a potential dynamite without ever actually realizing their own thought process). I like to practice strafing back and forth and tossing it and shooting it without breaking my normal sort of random strafe pattern at all… (this fools the crap out of enemy players in matches, they might hear Ashe yell “incoming” but they still just don’t think you’re about to dynamite them while your strafing like that and they just never see it coming, again, because to them, subconsciously, if you are still moving around, they just don’t react and get out of the way of the incoming dynamite). (THIS tip will make you so much better of an Ashe against heroes like Genji!!!) Also, practice simply moving in one direction, toss and shoot it quickly, without stopping moving in that direction. You basically need to be able to use dynamite without interrupting you normal in-game movement at ALL… This will up your Ashe game a ton.

b) Coach Gun up in air, toss and shoot the Dynamite mid-air. I probably do this at least once in every match I play at some point… It’s really useful to be able to do and land pretty easily/consistently and it’s really just a simple matter of practicing it a lot. If you practice it, it’ll become automatic… If you don’t, you miss almost every time lol But just being able to rise above shields and the entire enemy team and do it is a really valuable tool to have in your Ashe arsenal, and the other team is almost never expecting it.

c) Get good with your hipfire, not just scoped. The more I play Ashe, the more I find myself using hipfire more often. And by that I mean, it took me like 6 months to even realize I wasn’t using hipfire, and then another 6 months to realize I wasn’t using it often enough… and then like a year to realize that what I thought was enough wasn’t even close to enough :laughing: Hipfire is the ultimate kill closer… It’s all about utilizing it at times where you simply can’t afford to slow down your movement and scope… Sometimes it’s in close range battle, sometimes mid-range… You have to use it like you are Soldier, fluently moving around AS you shoot at a fast rate. In VAXTA, I’ll practice it by Scoping one headshot and closing with hipfire, over and over and over. It’s also super-valuable to just drain the absolute SH** out of Tank HP. Like against Ball, I fire 8-10 shots into him as fast as I can continuously the whole match… Really every large tank, if you do this, it’ll drive them crazy… Don’t worry as much about headshotting with it, although that can be useful at certain times.

d) Last tip… VAXTA doesn’t help w this… But in game, stop reloading a few shots, firing, reloading a few, firing… Just reload your whole god d*** clip. Her reload is so frustrating, it steals so many kills from you, and it loses so many 1v1 engagements for you. You have to stay aware of your clip and you really need to just reload it to full and then engage… don’t try to reload while you are engaging… Just bite the bullet, take cover, reload to 12, and then engage. I had a Coach for a month or two and he drove this into my head…He KEPT catching me forgetting to reload to full and would yell at me… I’m glad he did, it finally stuck and it’s important.

Sorry for writing a whole BOOK, I hope this helps tho.

Oh, god, this is important. Your Ashe scoped needs to be 51.47%. That’s the exact same at whatever your hipfire is at.

There are people that will tell you that the above is only true at short range and not long range because there is a different calculation method some people use. They use like a 58% calculation, but to me, it feels too fast. 51.47% feels exactly like hipfire to me. I used to find this out. For Widow/Ana, it’s 37.89%.

And at 800dpi, 4.25 is good… It’s slightly higher than I personally prefer, but I use low sense compared to most ppl. 4.0 to me is middle… I’ve experimented up to 4.5 and been ok… Faster than that has been a waste of time for me. But personally, I currently use 3.72. I actually use 3200 dpi and 0.93, but that’s the same thing as 400dpi / 3.72.

3.72 is too low in terms of turning in game quickly at times, it can be frustrating in that way on occasion, but those occasions are pretty rare once I paid attention to how often they occur… and to me, are worth the tradeoff, because at that sense, I just land more shots… I track funky moving enemies better and I flick really accurately… My flick range is shorter in terms of distance, but it’s more accurate. BUT, I also really like .96 or 3.84. That’s what Lily uses… Lily Carries is her handle name, she’s a streamer and Aimlabs specialist and a Solider main… She’s all about aim and I like the way she goes about thinking about aim.

Use the customs code everyone is telling you about, and then you modify it however you want then save that. I use VAXTA too for Kiriko, but I disable flying or tank heroes and lower the number of ai for less reticle crowding for example. Also, I change the enemy movement to like the 75%/hard setting in game, because at the 100%/very hard setting the ai moves are super jerky spastic like, but real players dont actually move like that.