As a support main, I'm having fun with Mirrorwatch Sombra

That’s it. That’s the title. I like being able to zoom around invisibly, swoop in to boost the tank that just dived in for a few seconds, and then teleport out. I guess you could technically do that with Mercy, provided you also have someone to let you fly back out after going in. But… yeah, I can’t really explain it. I just love this playstyle. Let me keep it. Please.


I gotta say, i love the stealth-boosting-hacking ability of Mirrorwatch Sombra!

Im afraid with these BP themes, it is only temporary…

i really hope some of Support Sombra gets rolled into base Sombra

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Support Sombra is really fun and really boosts her identity. If you are not limited to enemies, but to allies, you can do much more in terms of hacking without it feeling unfair or frustrating.

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The support abilities are good, but you can also still go and punish that sniper at the far back and back cap the point.

All of that together is pretty op, but very much fun.

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So this would require some major power shifting, just stacking abilities on an already existing character is kind of how you get a Symettra.

where you can do like ten different things, but none of them really have a punch without some major team coordination behind it.

Would like the playstyle to stick around, but as it’s own character.

I…really didn’t like it.

Like, it felt very pointless to hack my teammates. It rarely made a difference with the duration and the benefits it provided.

Also the notes on the article outlining all the new abilities stated you can hack enemies - that’s not true lol. She would not hold up as a DPS, and I can’t imagine ever wanting her as a support over others.

It’s a fun change, though. I like being able to try it.

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Sounds like this mirrorwatch kit for Sombra would be a good basis for new character. That way you don’t have to remove current Sombra. Just add in a new counter hacker.