As a Mercy main, I don't see much wrong with Mercy as she is

As a non-Mercy main, I really don’t like having Mercy on my team unless there’s some kind of pocket strategy going on (i.e. PharMercy, Mashe, bunker with Bastion), which it seems Mercy players really don’t like doing too much. Given that I dislike having Mercy on my team over Ana or Moira except in specific scenarios, and that Mercy players generally seem to dislike those scenarios, then I personally think Mercy should receive changes so that both parties’ concerns are addressed :thinking:


Ijs, her play-style before the rework actually used to be incredibly risky so changing it would actually be a return to form.

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I agree. Will have to see how the PTR plays out etc. Maybe some minor adjustment but I wouldnt expect Rez or Valk to be significantly changed/replaced.

This is what I meant. Pre 2.0 with Valkyrie and all her new GA tech I would agree that Lucio was harder to kill (Brig didn’t exist at the time). With them, I’m pretty sure Mercy is the hardest support to kill hands down (assuming of course she can see one of her allies).

Mercy actually is in a great spot. She’s still extremely effective and capable of a lot more than most think she is. I really think anybody who has complaints about her viability or thinks she’s a weak hero just has no idea how to play her correctly.

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Personally I think the patch will be SUPER good to Mercy.

It’s basically the patch notes you’d get if you said to someone “make the best possible patch for Mercy, but you’re not allowed to actually touch her outside bugfixes”.

Synergies are getting buffed, competition is getting nerfed and it looks like the meta is going to shift to something that’s WAY more Mercy favoured than anything else.

Personally I think Baptiste/Mercy Bunker comps will be one of the foremost comps to rise before the meta gets really refined.


Statistically balanced ignores the fact that she feels like poo to play. Valkryie can be the most balanced ultimate in the game, doesn’t change the fact that I fall asleep when I use it.

Before you get in your jimmies about, “play another hero”, I love Mercy more than any hero in this game, I just hate her ultimate.


If that happens, you do realize that we’ll get a flood of posts about how people hate being “forced” to play Mercy, right?


We’re gunna get that regardless of what meta we get.

But I feel if Baptiste/Mercy comps are any good, people are going to blame Baptiste far more than they’ll blame Mercy.

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Or because they are afraid of the dumbster fire that all the PTSD plagued streamers and their brainwashed fanbases will start when they hear “Mercy got buffed”

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On fire is purely a cosmetic stat. A “feel good” stat if you will. It doesn’t change gameplay, it doesn’t change whether you win or lose, it only exists for that “feel good” stuff


I would see it differently.

If it was cosmetic, I wouldn’t see the need for it’s inclusion during gameplay. If it was up to me and the intention is just to look good, then all of them should in theory have the same on fire rate, and be earned on one fixed stat. Of course as we know, that isn’t the case.

While it doesn’t per-say, increase the amount of ammo you use, and it isn’t extremely helpful in telling you what you are doing right with the hero, I would argue that that feedback is still a nice indicator that you are doing better on your hero than you would if you just stood there existing. A passive form of gameplay feedback, but one that is gameplay-based and requires input from actual gameplay mechanics nonetheless. (i.e., you don’t get on-fire for changing a skin, putting down a spray, or doing an emote, which are true cosmetic items.)

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Mercy will be a staple in multi DPS meta in the same way Ana was a massive tank enabler for the last 6 months. Her pickrate will sky rocket and like I said about Ana, that doesn’t translate into needing nerfs. Mercy was unjustifiably broken in late 2017 and deserved the beating she got in 2018, but she is completely fine as is and people will understand that after GOATS dies.

Jeezuz tap dancing christ.
Everyone, Pacifist just wants to start removed up.
No ‘Mercy mains’ who has experienced all versions of Mercys in the past, would say “Keep her as she is”, as it’s undeniably fact that Mercy is no longer a strong pick as a support.

And I hate to bring this up, but Pacifist literally one tricks Mercy, playing no other heroes, and has a total of 19 hours on her.
I don’t know about you, but that either sounds like a smurf account trolling and dividing the Mercy players, or a total newbie who thinks they know how all games are played, despite literally playing no one at all except for 19 hours of Mercy.
So honestly? I’d take OP’s opinions with a grain of salt.

No offense, Pacifist.


On-fire rate is cosmetic, doesn’t impact the playstyle of the hero, and neither does it evaluate the effectiveness of a hero.

In fact, OWL matches has the on-fire and its rate TURNED OFF in official matches…

Why are you arguing over such a baseless point? Like Pacifist put it: Stop acting up.

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Making baseless assumptions, now are we?


Go check their profile and tell me that they’re not a smurf account who knows what’s best for all Mercy players, and every players in general.


Well, tfb… seeing how long Mercy has been in this state, 19 hours total either means… “Has never played previous iterations of Mercy”, “Has played previous iterations but little to no at the curret one” or “Is actually a smurf account”
After all… we all know the profiles of actual Mercy One-tricks with hundreds of Hours of Only playing Mercy… that one massively falls out of line, so suspicion isn’t all out of the window.


You know. I find that pretty strange as well. From what I understand, they claimed to be under a totally different account, now that you mention it…

If I am mistaken, the account claimed is one I actually know quite well. And they also have a completely OPPOSITE stance in their views on Mercy’s current state. Which was last used only 3 months ago.

Now, if this is in fact the same person, I’m not exactly sure what made them change their views within such a short time span. But the fact that the account the OP is currently using has been in existence long before (has existed since aug of last year) makes me wonder what their actual intentions on the Mercy playerbase is, if it isn’t to cause discourse and divide… (Which is something I think a lot of Mercy mains would agree, that is something we don’t need right now). Hopefully they can clear this up though, but I am hoping that this isn’t all some elaborate attempt at trolling Mercy mains for the sake of trolling.

If anything, I’m just curious because technically, that other account has been really vocal about Mercy’s current state and was vehemently pro-revert almost as much as I am, and the one they’re using now is completely against it. So I’d love to see their story as to what has caused the change in stance and the usage of a different alias. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


It’s feedback that doesn’t affect the game at all. When I’m on fire I am just like “neat, I’m on fire” and move on with the match. On fire is purely cosmetic and has literally zero effect on the match