Another Mercy thread, another day…
War… War never changes…
Mercy though, never stops changing.
No. Buff Mercy. Not sorry.
So your not bothered by “Mercy Threads” so long as it agrees with what you think? =\
Either revert her healing beam or buff her gun, imo.
Why not change her without changing the game balance?
Like, for example, if Immortality Field is going to be added to the game anyway… why not do something like this?
Valk pistol mercy is a QP meme/works up until gold
Only when multiple people are somewhat hurt and never under dire situations
Valid reason, for pushes.
If you need to use valk to reposition and not use superjump/fly to an ally then you’re either bronze or you’re playing a comp which requires your team to be glued together and you’re better off switching to something else.
That’s wrong and lazy gameplay, you’re better off somewhat hiding when you know junk might have his ult. Also, most junks stall their tire nowadays so you have time to get somewhere safe/hide.
Just checked your profile, and you’re literally someone in LOW PLAT, so you must know.
But just for fun…
It used to be a meme back in the day before her rework hit. Nowadays, it’s a honorable part of her kit.
Mercy’s pistol can be used to:
- Pick off low hp targets
- Pick off targets who are out of position
- Harrass enemy backline by poke damaging
- Simply counter whatever is weaker than Valkyrie Mercy. (Melee heroes and snipers…)
All of this has a downside to it.
- You have to leave your team, therefore you’re not there when they need healing.
- When you decide to go for a kill, try to have an ally in your LoS at all times for a quick return to your team once you kill your target, something goes wrong or the survival of an ally is needed more than killing your target.
- It’s pretty high risk
- Always watch for your target’s cooldowns.
It’s very situatinal, sometimes that 60 HP/s AoE heal is pretty helpful.
You can distract enemies by corner peeking, making yourself seem like an easy target while moving unpredictably.
Risky, but valuable.
Or you need to hide from a bomb and there’s nobody to fly to.
Just an example.
Of course you can hide, but if he spots you, just pop that Q button.
I fail to understand how the extremely rare/debatable of value situations you mentioned contribute to “keep mercy as is”.
Do you play on US servers? The stuff you describe fits into the chaos which is going there.
Not at all…mercy spam does…especially when specific requests are made that the devs have already answered…and well this past week has been a sort of bug light if you will (context)…everyone is flying in to talk about how slighted she is again…and the year and a half long repeated discussion starts all over…
Defying all expectations
I would love to see your statistics because according to the OWL statistics she’s quite terrible in tournament play and even in GM games she gets outhealed by Ana with nothing better to offer in her kit and initially almost loses you the game when played outside her Phamercy niche situations.
If you’re looking at statistics below high tier gameplay: don’t. Balance and meta doesn’t matter there so they’re irrelevant stats in a balance discussion.
But… Consider this: Might Mercy be DESIGNED to be just that? Safe, dependable, flat but consistent output…
Changing her would change her playstyle to be very different from intended, along with her playerbase.
How would a 60 hps beam do that. She was still trash when she had 60hps and mass rez. How would a 60hps flat beam on the current version be bad design. It’s literally good design, she has no burst or aoe heals, just flat healing overtime on single target. 60 will not break a thing
She is designed to be one of the least risky heroes and that shouldn’t change, but it’s gone too far.
Also I’m not going for ridiculous over the top changes… she shouldn’t be Ana levels of risky or anything. What I’d like to see…
Give Mercy a 10-20 hp heal to her GA target which doubles in Valkyrie.
Valkyrie is 10 or 12s long.
Valkyrie heals for 80 on the main beam, 40 on chains.
No more permanent regeneration for Valkyrie.
I respect your opinion, but unfortunately, I’m going to have to disagree, sorry.
I believe that Mercy being balanced is different from Mercy being engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play. And I think that distinction needs to be made clear. A hero can be balanced but still be unfun to play, similar to how a hero can be fun to play, but unfun to play against.
I’m not sure I agree with the PTR changes suddenly making Mercy more playable. She’s received a nerf on damage boost, and Baptiste seems to comfortably fill her previous niche of being a “main healer” with the added benefit of a preemptive mass-res ability. Except in extremely rare cases, I don’t really see much reason for using Mercy at this point (unless you’re playing her simply for preference sake) when other supports offer so much more.
The issue I find, is not that Mercy is “unbalanced”, and I believe that she’s been “balanced” for the past 3-4 months now. I believe the issue is that she isn’t fun to play by a lot of people, who have then either played other heroes, or played other games.
I think the concerns with those players are important to consider, as not everyone agrees that #MercyIsFine. I think that whether or not the community agrees or disagrees on Mercy’s current state, I believe that the fact that Mercy is statistically the support with the lowest pickrate, she is most definitely due for some buffs & / or some QOL fixes. Being the worst performing support in the game right now, I think that’s a fair compromise. An increase of her healing to 55hps and speeding up her cast time in Valkyrie would be a nice start.
Be it through a revert, a rework, or minor buffs, it’s clear to me that Mercy can certainly use something more. I’m hoping that we see that manifest in the future to aid the Mercy players who play / used to play her. Fingers crossed!
Edit: As a side note, didn’t you just make a thread asking for changes not too long ago?
Now I see that you’ve made this thread, asking to keep her the same. So… You seem to be conflicting your message a bit. Which is it? Do you want to keep her as she is or do you want changes?
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
As if the change I asked for changes her game balance or her gameplay.
Honey, stop acting up.
Same . Lucio/Symm/Junk player here. I think Mercy being relegated to a pocket healer goes against how the game is now and a bit of how her character was designed.
Lots of burst damage and AoE heals. Things Mercy cannot sustain through and has no access too. She feels misplaced in how the game works now.
Also having her just be a pocket seems to go against wanting to use her mobility and her use of enabling an entire team. Hard to say if that damage boost change is going to be for the better or for the worse. The fact that it needs to be done st the time of fire just might encourage pocketing a single player more rather than juggling the beam.
What do you mean by least risky? If you mean less risk of being able to get the heals out I think Zen is way better at getting heals out.
Orbs of Harmony are far more in the direction of “easier heals at compromise of lower heal rate”. There range is massive and has a very forgiving 3 second LoS check before the orb disconnects so 90hp healed even after disappearing around a corner. Zen’s heals may be a trickle but it’s easy to get maximal efficiency, no one is ever too far away or exposed to my sight for too short a period of time.
Zen’s ult is by far the simplest application of healing, you can totally forget about defending yourself and have 300hp/sec healing in a radius which makes most heroes attacks in the game useless. Well, it’s clearer how to use transcendence effectively than Valkyrie effectively.
This is why I always flex to Zen if I’m filling a healer role, he’s the easiest on getting heals out and he still can contribute a lot with his projectiles and discord orb (which is great even if reduced to +25% damage vulnerability)
[If by risky you mean “less risk of being ganked” surely that would be Brig or Lucio but I don’t have the experience with those heroes, they sure seem more survivable than Mercy.]
This thread asked to keep her as is. The previous thread asks to change the hero. On-fire rate is directly affected by how the hero is played, and can only be measured through playing the hero. Aka. it is in fact a gameplay change that is being suggested.
Objectively, the two messages are in conflict with one another. So as I asked before, which is it? Do you want Mercy to be changed, or do you want her to remain the same? It’s not a difficult question really…
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.