As a gay man, I’m not happy

Wha…? it’s the same guy, look at the hair and compare it to the current image.

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It’s almost like the action sequences break up the story tidbits in the way a job like Overwatch would break up your romantic life.

Yeah don’t listen to OP, I’m lgbt and I’m very happy abt this short story, and not just because of Soldier. Also OP seems to lack reading comprehension, there was SO MUCH amazing story and lore in that thing. OP is acting like the whole thing just says “Soldier is gay lul” even tho that’s just a tiny part of what was revealed.


Hence why “hint” and not “told”.

Just accept that no matter what Blizzard do you’ll never be happy and move on.


What do you mean!?! They’re pushing the envelope! He could totally write for degrassi year 2001 or WB/CW 2004 :mask: /s

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Not gonna lie to me this just looks like a normal picture with what could just be a friend.


I accepted that and then they turned my favorite hero into death incarnate. I want to suck off whoever pulled the trigger on this change.



But you know, everyone thinks that couldn’t be the case clearly. No way did Michael Chu plan his sexuality reveal that far back! It’s impossible! NO WAY! No writer actually thinks ahead of time! That wasn’t the original intent! I know because I know everything! That wasn’t meant to be!



On a more serious note he probably didn’t plan that far ahead anyways with that because the lore has barely moved forward on the first place.


In truth? We can’t say he did or didn’t as we aren’t him and only can make assumptions. He would know as the writer.

Maybe he did and they couldn’t move on since all the resources went to OWL so nothing could be published (said by the Blizzard head guy back in the summer)


He wasn’t labeled as gay, though. The short wasn’t even about his sexuality. You and everyone else making a big deal about it are putting the label on. You missed the entire point of the short if you think 76 being gay is such a big deal, and it’s not like him being gay is being marketed or advertised anywhere.

Grow the hell up and think outside the box for once in your life.


i actually wish they made genji or hanzo gay instead of soldier76… that was such a wrong move to pick S76.

I just mean that he probably did plan it but it wasn’t planned far ahead story wise, it’s just that it took this long for more lore in the first place.

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Factually incorrect title?

Anyways I always figured Mc-Brokeback to dance to a different tune, Soldier? Sure, but obvs the butch.

Anyways if you take issue with it speak up when the LG~ folk are blasting the forums with requests of this type.

To remain silent is to be thought a fool (as well)

Sexual politics are somehow important for this game? If not who cares, if so say something beforehand.



I’m just annoyed that companies who play it safe with their representation and backpedal their straightest/most rigid/gruff character who will literally never be seen in a scenario with other gay people is cheered on as progressive/pushing the envelope. It’s not. It’s literally a trope that was done all the time 15-20 years ago when writers were playing it safe on how they could write it gay characters.

It’s a boring and tired trope that’s been done a million times, and tbh I’d rather it not be done at all. Tracer was done good but soldier? As a gay man I feel kind of like my group has been kind of used to boost game traffic, lol.

But I’m one of the only ones. It’s just something that has been done too many times, and with the type of representation that assassins creed, marvel, even dc is doing it just feels kind of lazy.


Yes, again, I feel it was because the guy back during the Korea Festival in the Summer said that all of their resources that year went to the OWL. That includes funding, time and effort. Everything else was put on hold. So, Chu probably had it written (I mean he had to do something? What? Did he just sit their all year twiddling his thumbs and getting paid for it? Doubt it c:) but couldn’t publish it at that time. They have the time now since well, they are changing their focus it seems.

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they just revealed some lure behind jack and ana’s past relationships… in that reveal it was discovered that jack had interest in some guy… big deal.

it changes nothing about him, it just adds to his background story - it wouldn’t be any different if it was a girl he fell in love with.

i think they did this reveal pretty well and not too “shoving it down the throat” like a lot of people like to exaggerate


“Force it” :man_facepalming:

The stuff I’ve been reading today :man_facepalming:

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I respect gays irl. But forcing gay to soldier 76 is wrong. I don’t know why would they do this? Spare the robots please. STOP IT Blizzard what is happening DIablo exploded and overwatch is about to explode too?