As a DPS and Support player, I HATE 1-3-2


  • This feels like Deathmatch. I don’t want to play Deathmatch everytime I play Comp.
  • Having to deal with 3 DPS is a lot more stressful, especially because we also only have 1 Tank to protect us.
  • As Tanks got buffed, we will likely see nerfs to DPS, especially Widow and Hanzo, I don’t want to see that, let me fight tanks instead again.
  • All in all, it feels like the chaos that old QP had, and I don’t want it, I don’t want to just click heads and play around natural cover, seemingly like I can’t count on my team whatsoever.
  • As a Widow main, facing Widow, Hanzo + McCree/Ashe with a Mercy sounds like an absolute nightmare, no thanks

As Support:

  • I don’t like feeling like there’s no actual team to support, or yet, to protect me.
  • I feel unsafe when playing Support, and that is nothing I ever thought would happen to OW.
  • Just as with DPS, it’s a lot more stressfull
  • I feel like I’m artifically limited on my impact, because I now have 3 DPS hunting me, our tank burns away even faster, and he/she can’t protect me anymore.
  • There is no Off Tank peeling anymore, because there is no Off Tanks anymroe. Our Zarya can’t just turn around to help me while the Rein face-tanks for a few seconds. It’s just not possible anymore.

As Zarya:

  • I will never play her again.

In General:
I’ve been playing this game since the very first day of Open Beta, and I’ve loved it ever since. It’s my favourite game by far. But, if this change were to happen, it would not be OW anymore.

  • Main and Off Tanks are just gone. The role with the most synergy simply isn’t allowed to have that synergy anymore. It’s just. Rein/Zarya, never again. Winston diving in, Dva following with DM, never again. Jumping in-front of my Rein with self-bubble to face-tank, never again. Teamwork just got a whole lot less important.
  • The game feels a whole lot more like Deathmatch. That’s not what I want to play; as any role. Even though I’m a DPS main, if Comp feels anything like the Experimental Card, I’m gone after all these years, after 2000 hours put into this game, after 700 solely in my favourite hero. I can’t see myself playing this game anymore if 1-3-2 were a thing.

Some thoughts about RQ, Queue Times and 1-3-2

Role Queue was added for structure and to overall improve match quality. As much as I think it was a great idea, latest events show that queue times and match quality stand in direct conflict. I wouldn’t call a 3.3 Tank in 3.7 games good match quality, and I wouldn’t call 10 minute queues regardless good queue times. And just as SR was made more lenient to better queue times, this change creates more chaos and, in my opinion, makes the game a lot worse, just for queue times. Not worth it. I’d rather wait 10 minutes for what we have now, than 3 for 1-3-2.

I would much, much rather go back to freedom queue, find myself some tanks to duo with, than play 1-3-2.

Personally, I think a better solution would be a clan system. Not only that, but modes to actually play this game as a team game. Have seperate 6-stack SR, have tournaments actually in-game and not on external websites in custom games. Make this team game actually a team game. With it, please find some way to bring LFG back to life. If this is managable, if it’s a success, this would both improve queue times and match quality. One can dream.


agreed, its more bad than good, support feels really bad to play and most dps as well , tanks are ok, but youre not actually tanking anything, youre just there, being OP.


It’s just back to Classic QP chaos, only now we won’t be able to bring in structure ourselves. Sure, I could play “2-2-2 QP”, but I’m a competitive player. I mostly play Comp and I play for a Scrim team. 2-2-2 won’t be an option for us then. If this goes live, I think I might have to leave, after all that time.

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not gonna go live, blizzard knows better, if they implement it everyone will leave

With the amount of positive feedback on these forums, I fear they might. Most of my friends/teammates are against it as well, but they’re not on the forums. And Blizzard wouldn’t have tried it if it’s not a possibility. I truly fear for my favourite hobby.

Not to mention, it ruins alot of the tanks and makes them super weak. From what I heard reinhardt gets run over pretty easily. Rein is like a really high favourite of alot of people

Yeah, I imagine it’s horrible, but I don’t play tank (except for Zarya for my Rein duo, but we can forget that if it goes live as well), so I didn’t want to talk about something I have no experience with.

try to learn to avoid damage instead of needing a tank to save you. some pros are great at it and ez to learn from.

dps and others are going to be nerfed regardless.

thats what the pros do. the whole point isnt to sit behind a shield and poke

i dont have that issue as support. stick with your team or find better positions. there’s always a way to increase survivability.

thats a bigger issue then than 312

good off tanks were a curse and many just played them as tanky dps. other tanks can peel too.

Good. Tired of shield watch, where everyone groups together, and never dies. It’s boring.

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Yup. If you want to make it zero effort, just bring a Mei and any two burst DPS with exception of Junkrat.

With this setup, every single tank is a free kill.

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As a Tank/Support player, I felt like it was always better to just play DPS. Support was as I expected.


Everyone needs a tank to protect them, that’s the whole point of them. I’m all for avoiding damage yourself as well, but don’t act like this isn’t going to affect protection.

So? They’re going to be nerfed even more because of this change.

No, the Pros already use natural cover. And I think that’s good. But I like both. The point is to have both.

Yes, but don’t act like having one less tank and one more DPS who wants to kill you isn’t going to leave you in more danger than before.

I don’t feel unsafe outside of 1-3-2. In fact, I’m perfectly confident in my Support and have no problem with random teams in Comp. I felt unsafe in 1-3-2, I don’t feel unsafe in QP or Comp. How is that my issue?

Good Off Tanks are amazing and one thing that makes Overwatch Overwatch. Off Tanks had great damage potential, but with incredibly limited range and lots of protection for their team. That’s the whole point of Off Tanks. If you for whatever reason don’t like them, then I can see how you like 1-3-2. But we can agree that this change kills the role of Off Tanks, right?

Every hero can peel, the point of mentioning Off Tanks was that they did it a lot more frequently and better, and especially better as they had the MT face-tanking for a bit. Something also not possible anymore.

132 is amazing and needs to stay. the best thing to happen to overwatch in years.

faster games. dps have impact, tanks are fun to play, healing is no longer oppressive.

this game mode is what overwatch needs to be.

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There’s something between Shield Watch and absolute chaos. I would like that very much. I see it possible with balance changes, I don’t see it possible with 1-3-2.

My dear leksa as your main tank I tell you that I am on the forum not a lot tbh but sometimes. So hello peeps going through comments. I haven’t had the chance to play it yet but this is my opinion. And I wouldn’t want it to go live. As a very aggressive main tank I do more than just count on my off tank. I literally depend on it. I would have to change my WHOLE playstyle knowledge and every habit while playing simply because I won’t have it anymore.

I think it would limit tank play in general to a minimum. As in.
You can only do so many plays due to the lack of options (abilities) let’s look at it like this
Reinhardt Zarya combo
Has one movement ability charge.
2 long range. Secondary and firestrike.
3 shielding abilities.
2 cc grav and shatter.
If you take one away that leaves the other vulnerable when using their mobility ability or they don’t have one. Making them more than easy to kill for fast combinations (if the dps pick towards a deathbrawly comp.)
Mistakes from tanks will be punished SO much harder because their off tank cannot protect them anymore cause there is none.
A Winston who jumps a bit too far will get blasted because the only thing that can protect him now is mercy and a deflecting genji which won’t help too much because if the other team has any cc he is a gonner.

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My dear Leksa, lmao. Ready to get roasted by Solo again tonight? <3

wrong theyre there to MAKE SPACE NOT protect you.
protecting would be face tanking and doing nothing but shielding
making space is attacking, pushing forward, keeping enemies at bay or ccing them for combos, and capping/holding objs.

they wont be. some are going to be nerfed regardless. metas force every role to get nerfs. everything is always on the table for changes.
if you cant handle nerfs and buffs then you shouldnt play games that rely on them.

so you agree ‘thats what the pros do’? you cant say no to something then restate what im saying.

not every tank has BOTH so it wasnt even an option all the time. what you LIKE and what the POINT is are two very different things.

it wont for good players. i, as many others do, have no trouble rn having two off tanks as a support and not dying. try a different hero if you cant handle it.
dont act like youre not using a crutch to play.

bc youre heavily relying on others to carry you? bc you need shields to play the game and be safe? bc YOU cant do you job without being baby sat? sounds like a you issue bc youre at the center of the problems.
its no different than someone who jumps multiple ranks during specific metas. they RELY on the meta to be “good”. as soon as it’s gone their weaknesses and lack of skill show.

off tanks have no real protection for their besides DVA. face tanking is NOT protection. it’s one of the worse things you can do as a tank.

no my issue with them is people playing off tanks solely as thiccc dps heroes. thats vastly different than hating them as what theyre supposed to be.

nope. hog can still off tank but with a bit more support. dva can really help now that she isnt slowed and has longer DM. shield tanks and main tanks still exist. WB can still be played as off or main

no they didnt. hog has no real peel. zarya isnt a main tank and has a little peel if you count bubble. dva has always had good peel. mobility is always one of if not the best peel esp when combined with cc.

then the main tank is also bad if they have to face tank.